Below mentioned is the weekly horoscope for entrepreneurs by Astro-Strategist and Business Astrologer™ Hirav Shah, where you can find out what is in store for your business, career, family, love and health.

Aries Weekly Horoscope

Aries Career and Business Horoscope – As you are able to play your cards well, a coveted post may come your way. Some businesses will also see opportunities knocking at their doors. All in all, this week will be favorable for Aries natives.

Aries Family and love Horoscope – Aries natives, it’s time you make time for your old parents. It’s time you listen to your spouse’s needs. It’s time you spend some quality time with your family. For lovers, this week also looks favorable.

Aries Health Horoscope – Dear Aries natives, this week you need to look into your eating habits seriously. Light sensitivity in the gut due to eating street food could cause a slight imbalance, so be careful.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Taurus Career and Business Horoscope – You will feel inspired to connect with colleagues from your past. Concentrate on the communication you are having with them at this time. This week, you will have the ability to sync your forces to co-create magic.

Taurus Family and love Horoscope – On the love front, last minute plans with your partner will help you unwind. On the family front, the same thing is going to happen as well.

Taurus Health Horoscope – Dear Taurus folks, this week, you need to concentrate on your health. If you are prone to migraine or headaches, you could face little issues due to excessive screen time or long working hours.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Gemini Career and Business Horoscope – This is an excellent week and it will bring good hopes for some. Your bosses will consider you for promotion. Overall, the week will bring Gemini folks success and recognition they deserve professionally.

Gemini Family and love Horoscope – This week, one of your family member’s health will need attention. Be there for them. Show them love and pamper them. Love life will be hectic with many obligations.

Gemini Health Horoscope – Dear Gemini natives, your health horoscope suggests that your health will be okay this week. While the second half of this entire week will be busy, make a conscious decision to eat well and on time.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Cancer Career and Business Horoscope – This is a promising week. Folks will appreciate your skills. They will be highly impressed by your presentation skills and knowledge. At work, some may get a prominent position as well.

Cancer Family and love Horoscope – Family and love life will be great, but you will spend most of the time by yourself. Once in a while, it is okay to take a back seat.

Cancer Health Horoscope – Gut will be sensitive and fatigue will take over due to your chronic sleep deprivation. Fix your lifestyle, it’s time please !

Leo Weekly Horoscope

Leo Career and Business Horoscope – Hold the vibe of what you are creating. We repeat: hold the vibe of what you are creating. This is the week to be the star of every show, Leo. The week to show up as the brightest and the boldest version of yourself.

Leo Family and love Horoscope – You will have to prioritize your family’s needs instead of running all over the place. With some old friends, you will also meet up, with whom you had lost touch.

Leo Health Horoscope – This week, don’t neglect your health orelse you might regret later. You will have nagging problems that would need diagnosis.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Virgo Career and Business Horoscope – This week, with newfound fervour, you are making your way back into the game.
You’re feeling inspired to push your own limits. You are feeling super inspired to explore your creative potential.

Virgo Family and love Horoscope – With minor friction with an older family member, family life will be hectic. Love matters would look great though.

Virgo Health Horoscope – Your health predictions for this week suggest that your health would get better. You will bounce back to your routine(physical activity). Regarding your regime, you may also take suggestions from a dietician or an instructor.

Libra Weekly Horoscope

Libra Career and Business Horoscope – Delegation of work will allow you to concentrate on only the important matters. You may also want to eliminate some of your company’s / business’s useless or repetitive tasks.

Libra Family and love Horoscope-Love will be intense this week. Your desire for more romance, may surprise even you. Family matters will look great though.

Libra Health Horoscope – The reason your health has been fluctuating is because you skipped medicines. Complete the course of your medicines and don’t decide on your own, without consulting your physician.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Scorpio Career and Business Horoscope – For businessmen, a new business opportunity is knocking at your door. For corporate folks, your disinterest will be noticed. Time to be careful natives!

Scorpio Family and love Horoscope – This week, you will desire more connection from your partner. Romantic gestures and candle light dinners will feel like sweet experiences for you to explore with your partner. Family matters look peaceful and harmonious.

Scorpio Health Horoscope – Due to your mental stress, your health would need attention. Don’t let your cravings consume and own you, due to your stress.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Sagittarius Career and Business Horoscope – This week is going to be a good week for you, professionally, in every aspect. Things will go fine, and you’ll accomplish things on time. Much of your week will be spent in the company of kind, helpful colleagues.

Sagittarius Family and love Horoscope – The week seems to be better than usual as far as family matters are concerned. The cards are suggesting peace and joy on the home front as well as on the love front.

Sagittarius Health Horoscope – A little body pain here and there can be expected. How about doing some daily light exercises !! How about some light workouts for flexibility.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Capricorn Career and Business Horoscope – With regards to your career, you may not have anything great to boost off. Things will remain normal. You would be able to finish your routine tasks at your speed.

Capricorn Family and love Horoscope – Your family and partner will be at ease and you will feel relaxed due to this. You can focus on your work as there may not be much expectations from the family or from your partner.

Capricorn Health Horoscope – It’s time to put a full stop to your cravings for sugar, processed food, fast food and junk. Also cut down on your cigarettes and soft drinks. You would see your health improve slowly, for the better.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Aquarius Career and Business Horoscope – On the professional front, taking on more work than you can handle, will show you in poor light. Refrain from that please and no need to impress anyone, now.

Aquarius Family and love Horoscope – Family, love and romance matters may be calm and without any stress. Friendship matters would also be sound and great.

Aquarius Health Horoscope – It’s important to wire your mind well and that will only impact your mental well-being which will further impact your physical well-being as well. That’s all.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Pisces Career and Business Horoscope – Folks who have foreign-based work will face hindrances and obstacles. Stay in touch with influential natives who matter, as you would be needing them shortly.

Pisces Family and love Horoscope – Your partner will expect you to be more emotionally available – so you have to do something. Romance will take a back seat for married Pisces partners as their significant other will remain occupied.

Pisces Health Horoscope – Stop getting up at irregular timings. Stop dishonoring your routine that you have set. Your health matters will get better, for sure.

Celebrity Birthdays Of The Week

October 17- Anil Kumble
October 18- Jyothika
October 19- Sunny Deol
October 20- Kiran Kumar
October 21- Srinidhi Shetty
October 22- Amit Shah
October 23- Prabhas

Weekly Horoscope FAQs

What is the DOB of Prabhas?

23 October 1979

Who is the youngest serving full-time Home Minister of India ?

Amit Shah

Is Amit Shah still BJP’S president?

Amit Shah served as BJP’S president from 2014 to 2020.

When was Srinidhi Shetty born ?

21 October 1992

What is Kumble’s mother tongue?


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