Understanding how to optimize your social media posts and channels for absolute returns is not so tough with the right strategies.

Veteran Business Transformation Expert cum Astro Strategist Hirav Shah suggests some easy-to-do SMO (social media optimization) techniques that will inspire you to improve your brand’s visibility on social media, get more engagement for your posts, and get your audience saying what they want.

Social media optimization isn’t just about social media strategy as an aggregate; it also focuses on smoothing your posts and profiles to maximize their effectiveness. According to Hirav Shah, are some reasons to optimize your social media.

● Optimizes your online presence
● It helps to engage and connect with your audience on deeply
● Boost brand awareness on social media
● Increase reach on social media
● Enriches the quality of your leads from social media

A brand’s social media presence might seem effortless, but there’s a lot that runs on behind the scenes to ensure that social media is being utilized as effectively as possible. So let’s have a look at Hirav Shah’s 11 full-proven social media optimization techniques to switch on.

1. Post at the right time

To win a significant percentage of the audience on social media, you need to consistently publish content that not only fascinates your prospects but is also posted at a time when they’re most likely to engage. So, Figuring out the most optimistic time to post on social media is very important.

2. Polish your bios

Your social media bio is one of the earliest things that a new visitor or a potential lead sees when visiting your profile page. So, it’s crucial to have this as polished as possible. You can include the following information:

● Who are you?
● Where do you work?
● What do you do?
● What are the topics that interest you?
● Your brand’s tone
● How can someone contact you?

You can also include a call to action (CTA) in your bio that will encourage your visitors to click on a link to your website or a key landing page.

3. Optimize your links with UTMs

Link optimization is one of the most integral parts of awareness on how your audience engages with your sharing links. Tracking your customer’s behavior lets you see what posts drive the most traffic from your links and which don’t. You can easily track this by adding UTMs to your social media channels and posts.

4. Make sure the pictures you are posting are of the right size

There’s nothing more horrible than exploring a social profile, and the images look terrible, right? Your first impression is everything. So, make sure that the images you are updating look professional, polished, and, most importantly, are of the right size. Ensure that they are a high-resolution image that isn’t overly cropped, speaks to your brand (especially a company logo), and portrays your business. This will benefit your audience with brand recognition.

5. Post the right amount

Don’t flood your audience with non-stop posting, and don’t post so little that you fall off their radar. Creating an optimal social media posting schedule is important to drive more engagement and conversations with your brand. Make sure that finding the sweet posting spot might take some time. Experiment and find out which meter works best for you.

6. Review your social media strategy

Take time to observe your existing social media strategy and think about the following areas:

● Are you whacking your goals and objectives?
● Do your social media goals align with your marketing strategy?
● Are you posting the right types of content? Such as images, videos, text-only, or a mixture of all three?
● Are your posts reaching your audience?

When thinking about the above points, make sure that your SMO positively impacts them.

7. Always keep your audience at the top

All audiences are not the same. Some spend their time searching into the demographics to optimize your social media content for the right groups. For instance, if you’re targeting prospects from England, you might want to get rid of US everyday language. Likewise, if you’re targeting prospects from America, you might not want your social media resemblance to sound too British.

8. Optimize your accounts for the better search

Not all posts are required to use this tactic because they are not discoverable by a searcher. Sometimes, you’ll have to post on social media just to communicate with your prospects. Be strategic. For instance, when we publish this article, we’ll add the keyword “social media optimization” as a hashtag to increase the post’s discoverability.
You could also talk with your SEO providers to find out the most vital keywords for your brand and incorporate those into your social posts for an extra boost to your organic performance.

9. Build Consistency with your username

Your username across all your social pages and channels speaks about who you are and is an integral piece of the puzzle about how your brand meets. Hence, it’s crucial to be consistent with your username.

10. Compose catchy headlines and captions

Not everyone is a writer; hiring social media professionals will help you compose catchy headlines and captions that achieve your goals. Also, examine and test what language and words resonate with your audience the most. This will maintain your brand voice throughout your posts and captions and find that precious spot between conversational and promotional.

11. add tags to your posts

If your social media post showcases another brand or a customer, it’s best to tag that person or a company name in your post. These things help you earn massive geniality points, but it also helps create natural conversation and communication on your post.

Hirav Shah says these are some of the easy SMO keys that will help you get the most out of the social media campaigns.

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Any confusion or difficult YES/NO Business decision requires an expert opinion.

Just make sure your business strategy in terms of Brand, Sales, Marketing, Advertising, Mergers, Diversification, etc.… is still on track to reach your goals. Business Astrologer Hirav Shah’s answers have proven to be game-changers.

It’s time to fire up your future!!