SEO is one of the most important aspects of any website, but it is even more important for eCommerce sites. You can’t expect to rank well for your products and services if you don’t optimize them. If your customers can’t find what they are looking for when browsing online, why would they buy from you?

Celebrated Business Transformation Expert cum Astro Strategist Hirav Shah says, “Optimizing an eCommerce site makes sure that Google knows exactly where each product should be ranked in search results so people who are searching will see those items first. The best way to do this is to get the services of a reputed SEO company that offers eCommerce SEO services.

Make your product pages as informative and attractive as possible.

Hirav Shah says, “For e-commerce websites, one of the most important tactics to use is to make sure your product pages are as informative and attractive as possible. This will help increase the time spent on site, lower bounce rates, and improve organic search results. You can do this by adding high-quality images of your products, videos, clear descriptions, customer reviews, etc.

You also want to make sure that you have a fast website. A slow website is one of the most significant contributors to a high bounce rate. Even if you have great content on your page, people will leave if it takes too long to load before they ever see it. Make sure all your images are optimized for the web and use caching plugins to speed up your website.

Use keywords in the title, description, tags, and elsewhere on the page to increase search engine visibility.

Hirav explains that according to professionals who provide SEO services, search engine visibility is vital for eCommerce websites because that is how people will find you. For this reason, your website must have great metadata on all of its pages. For example, the title tag should be the same as the blog post title and use relevant keywords for search engines.
The keywords should be included in every aspect of your website, from the title to the description to the tags. Of course, you can also have them in the body of the text, but make sure they are used naturally and don’t look like you are trying to stuff them in there.

If you do all of these things, you will increase your chances of being found by potential customers looking for products or services that you offer, and that is what it is all about; getting more customers and making more sales.

Optimize images with a keyword-rich caption for increased web traffic

Having clear images of your products is essential for online sales, but you can also optimize those images to help with your SEO.
Add a keyword-rich caption to each image on your website. This will help the search engines understand the image and rank it accordingly. Including keywords in the file name of your photos is also a good idea. For example, if you have a picture of a blue shirt, rename the file something like “blue-shirt.jpg.” This will tell the search engines that the page is relevant to that keyword.

By optimizing your images in this way, you can increase web traffic and improve your ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). So, make sure to take advantage of this valuable SEO tactic.

Add social media buttons to your site for increased engagement with potential customers.

Social media has been a critical factor in the growth of online marketing, and it can be a powerful tool for eCommerce businesses as well. By adding social media buttons to your website, you make it easy for potential customers to like or share your content with their friends and followers.

This will help increase traffic to your site, and it may also lead to more sales. In addition, using social media buttons allows you to track how many people are interacting with your content. This information can help you fine-tune your marketing strategy and improve your ROI. So be sure to add social media buttons to your website. It is a great way to boost traffic and engagement.

Use call-to-action phrases throughout your content to encourage online shoppers.

Call-to-action phrases encourage people to take a specific action, such as buying a product or signing up for a newsletter. When you include these phrases in your content, you can increase shoppers’ chances to take the desired action.

Some common call-to-action phrases include:

  1. “Click here to learn more.”
  2. “Buy now and save!”
  3. “Subscribe today and get 20% off your first order!”
  4. “Download our free eBook.”

By using these phrases throughout your content, you can encourage online shoppers to take the next step in their purchasing journey, which can lead to more sales for your business.

Create an email list of followers who have signed up for updates from you or your company

Another important tactic you can use is to create an email list of followers who have signed up for updates from you or your company. This list can be precious, as it allows you to directly reach out to your target audience and market to them.

There are several ways to grow your email list, including:

  1. Offering a freebie in exchange for signing up for your mailing list.
  2. Including an opt-in form on your website or blog.
  3. Add a signup box to all of your social media profiles.
  4. Including a call-to-action phrase in all of your content marketing materials encourages people to subscribe.

Using these techniques, you can steadily grow an email list of followers interested in what you have to say. This will help your business to grow and flourish in the future.

Hirav Shah concludes by saying, “Who doesn’t want to experience success in business?⁣
But are you truly doing the right things to get there? ⁣⁣
Can you honestly say that you are taking ACTION on your goals? ⁣⁣
If you hesitated AT ALL answering any of those questions, you need to shift your focus to doing what’s necessary to get the success you desire…⁣⁣
Without an actionable strategy, NOTHING is possible. ⁣
With Astro Strategy, EVERYTHING is possible.⁣⁣
So plant the seeds now for your future, and focus on investing energy in the habits that will create the results you want.⁣⁣
NOW is the time to do what you have wanted to do. Don’t procrastinate and rob yourself of a more exciting future…⁣⁣
What ONE goal will you focus on for a head start in 2022?⁣⁣
Any confusion or difficult YES/NO Business decision requires an expert opinion.”

Just make sure your business strategy in terms of Brand, Sales, Marketing, Advertising, Mergers, Diversification, etc.… is still on track to reach your goals. Business Astrologer Hirav Shah’s answers have proven to be game-changers.

It’s time to fire up your future!!