Gut health

You want to build great gut health? What does the gut consist of?

A microbiome with trillions of different bacteria, that work for your own good. Bad bacterias cause harm to your health and you.

Meanwhile, Business Enhancement Leader Hirav Shah wants to share three ways to improve gut health in this article since the gut is our enteric nervous system or the second brain.


The gut’s primary function is to keep things moving properly. That includes propelling drinks and food particles along the digestive tract, which it does via a series of muscles contracting and relaxing harmoniously. It ensures the contents of the intestines are mixed very well, to maximize the nutrients’ absorption.

In addition to helping the digestive tract’s contents move, the gut also controls local blood flow, mucous secretions, and plays a role in the immune system function. It is also responsible for the gastrointestinal hormones secretion that affect the organs’ performance throughout the digestive system.

And the best part is that it can differentiate between the nutrients needed by the body and harmful pathogens and microorganisms, allowing the former’s absorption while keeping the latter out.

Ways To Improve Gut Health

1. Make your plate look like a rainbow

When you have so much diversity, your diet should also have diversity and colors. Yes, that’s the reason Hirav Shah appeals to everyone to make their plates look like a rainbow. Different colored fruits and vegetables to be consumed…

Make your plate have color. Yes, and not the artificial colors. The natural colors, because that’s what the gut needs.

2. Learn to keep good gaps

Your gut gets better when you are not constantly eating. Keep good gaps in between meals, if you are not diabetic or too acidic.

3. Try to fast

Yes, try to fast. 12 simple, beautiful hours. Most people can do it without a problem at all. Try to finish your dinner within an hour after sunset. Eat the next day after the sun rise. Twelve beautiful hours have given your gut, a break. These little things are powerful.

Final Thoughts

Alleviating the amount of processed, high-sugar, and high-fat foods that you consume can contribute to better gut health. Eating plenty of plant-based foods and lean protein can positively impact your gut, in addition. A high fiber diet has been shown to tremendously contribute to a healthy gut microbiome.

Now, it’s time to improve your gut health. Stay healthy. Stay happy- Concludes Hirav Shah, Business Transformation Expert.

Frequently Asked Questions

What foods heal your gut ?

Yogurt, Kefir, Miso, Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Sourdough, Almonds etc…

How long does it take to improve gut health?

Building a healthy gut health can take up to 6 months if the correct healthy habits are followed (diet, exercise, sleep and stress management)

Are eggs good for gut health ?

As part of a balanced diet, eggs can contribute to a healthy digestive tract and can aid during acute digestive problems.

What vegetables are best for gut health ?

Leafy greens, spinach, kale etc…are the best vegetables for gut health.

What can I do to make my bowel healthier?

Eating a plant-based diet that includes fermented foods and fiber from colorful fruits and vegetables, having healthy sleep habits and managing tension levels are other ways to support a sound gut. If you want to adopt a fitter lifestyle, start easy with small diet changes and start to better from there