Do it like professionals. Move in silence. Do it in silence. Let your success be the Noise- Quotes Thought Leader, Hirav Shah.

In the hustle and bustle of our modern world, there’s often a prevailing notion that success should be accompanied by fanfare, announcements, and loud celebrations. We’re bombarded with images of grandeur, where achievements are showcased in the brightest lights for all to see. But amidst this cacophony, there exists a quieter path to success – one where hard work, dedication, and perseverance are the guiding stars, and where the noise of accomplishment reverberates not through boastful declarations, but through undeniable results.

Picture this: a young entrepreneur toils away in her small apartment, burning the midnight oil to turn her vision into reality. There are no cameras flashing, no applause echoing through the halls. Just the steady rhythm of keystrokes and the soft hum of determination filling the room. She knows that her success will not be measured by the volume of her voice, but by the impact she creates and the lives she touches.

As we embark on this journey of exploring the mantra “work hard in silence, let your success be the noise,” let’s uncover the profound wisdom behind this simple yet powerful philosophy. Through anecdotes, research, and real-life examples, we’ll delve into the transformative potential of quiet achievement and the virtues it embodies.

There is a phrase which says that silence is golden and talk is silver.

In other words, you do your duty to the best of your ability and leave the rest to take its own course.

If you have performed well, your action will speak for itself. You will be appreciated for your performance and get applauded, Says Business Astrologer & India’s Most Influential Astro-Strategist, Hirav Shah.

Work Hard in silence, let your success be the NOISE

You need to know how to use silence as a tactic for speaking up for yourselves and as an opportunity for you to work hard and lead.

Popular Opinion Leader Hirav Shah outlines areas to work hard, by using silence constructively, in business and in life.

1.Work Hard In Building trust

Work Hard In Building trust

If you want to develop effective relationships, you must build trust. To build trust, you must listen. Practice deep listening.

When you want to establish a relationship, do not do all the talking. Introduce yourself, ask questions about the other person, and listen. Learn about the other person. When the person realizes you are listening to them, they will listen to you.

2. Work Hard To Emphasize a point

Work Hard To Emphasize a point

If you use too many words, the point you want to make can get lost. Silence or fewer words allows you to be heard when it matters.

If you are in a meeting, don’t answer every question that is posed to the group. Respond to one or two questions. Your words will be more memorable than those who chime in at every possible chance to weigh in.

3. Work Hard To Negotiate

Silence when negotiating can be nerve-wracking. When the other person is silent, you wonder what they might be thinking. Turn the tables. Let them wonder what you are thinking. Let them reveal information that helps you to have the upper hand moving forward in the conversation. Sometimes you meet tough people, in society, known to be impolite. They can give you a hard time while dealing with them. One should know how to deal with rude and mean people. When people are rude to you, when people are mean…you have two choices. You have two paths to follow. Yes !  Accept or let go.

4. Get The Answer

Get The Answer

The sooner you become silent, the quicker you will get your answer. Many people are guilty of asking a question and not stopping at the question mark. Ask the question, and stop.

Don’t continue on with explanations or excuses. These words dilute your question and the power of its message.

5. Don’t Be An Empty Vessel

Don't Be An Empty Vessel

Empty vessels make the most sound” is a popular English idiom that is true to its very core. It simply means that people who keep blabbering are the ones with no inner substance. The way to success is a hard one that involves infinite efforts and the most advantageous planning processes.

6. You Got To Practice What You Preach

Above all, be excellent to work with. Be positive, inspiring, and uncomplicated. Strive for reasonable and put kindness first. Surprise and delight the people around you. Write the reference, unprompted. Send the gift, unprompted.

Always have something nice to say. Make them look forward to your call. Say thanks, repeatedly. Watch in awe as the doors open, the opportunities find you, and luck seems to follow you around. Work hard in silence…

Have you ever got bailed after the first adversity? Most people have a problem with continuity, and most of them get bailed after a little failure, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. You have to practice and work hard if you want to master it.

Always keep your “why” in your mind and work hard in silence and let your success speak for itself. Always remember you can achieve, you will succeed, and you must not fail…

Work hard in silence Quotes

  1. Silence is the fertile soil where dedication grows, nourishing the roots of success. Let your relentless work be the quiet force that propels you forward, until your achievements echo louder than any words.”
    • Explanation: This quote emphasizes the power of silent dedication and hard work. It suggests that by focusing on putting in consistent effort without seeking validation or attention, one can achieve success that speaks for itself.
    • Strategy: Embrace the power of silence as a nurturing environment for your dedication to flourish. Focus on consistent, relentless work without seeking external validation or attention. Allow your dedication to serve as the driving force behind your actions, propelling you towards your goals with unwavering determination.
    • Execution: Cultivate a disciplined work ethic by prioritizing tasks and maintaining a consistent schedule. Stay focused on your objectives, breaking them down into manageable steps to ensure steady progress. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, persisting in your efforts even when faced with obstacles. Let your achievements speak for themselves, demonstrating the depth of your dedication and the magnitude of your success.
  2. In the realm of ambition, silence is the strategist’s cloak, concealing every move until victory emerges as the resounding anthem of accomplishment. Work diligently, let your triumphs roar.”
    • Explanation: This quote likens the approach of working silently towards success to that of a strategist, who carefully plans and executes their moves without revealing their intentions until they have achieved their goals. It encourages individuals to work diligently and allow their accomplishments to speak volumes.
    • Strategy: Adopt a strategic approach to your endeavors, utilizing silence as a tool to conceal your intentions and actions from external scrutiny. Focus on meticulous planning and execution, carefully considering each step towards your goals while maintaining a low profile. Allow your achievements to speak for themselves, emerging as triumphant declarations of your strategic prowess.
    • Execution: Plan your actions methodically, taking deliberate steps towards your objectives while keeping your plans guarded from unnecessary attention. Execute your strategies with precision, adapting to changing circumstances with agility and foresight. Embrace the power of silence as you work diligently towards your goals, allowing your accomplishments to reverberate with the unmistakable sound of success.
  3. The symphony of success is composed not by the clamor of words, but by the harmonious rhythm of relentless effort. Work quietly, let your achievements crescendo into a symphony of greatness.”
    • Explanation: This quote paints success as a symphony, with each note representing the consistent effort put forth in silence. It suggests that by working quietly and consistently, one can create a masterpiece of achievement that speaks for itself.
    • Strategy: Recognize the importance of consistency and dedication in achieving success, viewing it as a harmonious symphony composed of relentless effort. Focus on maintaining a steady rhythm of work, allowing each action to contribute to the overarching melody of your accomplishments. Embrace the power of silence as a conductor guiding your efforts towards greatness.
    • Execution: Approach your work with a sense of purpose and dedication, committing yourself to a disciplined routine of consistent effort. Focus on the quality of your work rather than the quantity of noise surrounding it, allowing your achievements to crescendo into a symphony of greatness over time. Embrace the journey towards success with patience and perseverance, knowing that each quiet note of effort brings you closer to your goals.
  4. Amidst the noise of the world, let your dedication be the silent beacon guiding you towards triumph. Work tirelessly, until your success shines brighter than any distraction.”
    • Explanation: This quote highlights the importance of staying focused amidst the distractions of the world. It encourages individuals to let their dedication serve as a guiding light, leading them towards success through hard work and perseverance.
    • Strategy: Maintain focus amidst external distractions by anchoring yourself to the unwavering beacon of your dedication. Recognize the importance of staying true to your goals and values, allowing them to guide your actions in the face of noise and chaos. Embrace the power of resilience and perseverance as you navigate towards triumph.
    • Execution: Cultivate a strong sense of purpose and determination, using them as guiding lights to navigate through the noise of the world. Stay committed to your goals, prioritizing tasks that align with your vision for success. Remain resilient in the face of challenges, allowing your dedication to fuel your efforts until your achievements shine brighter than any distraction.
  5. In the quiet corridors of perseverance, success whispers its promises to those who toil diligently. Let your actions be the eloquent response to doubt, as your achievements reverberate louder than any skepticism.
    • Explanation: This quote emphasizes the relationship between perseverance and success, suggesting that those who work diligently in silence will eventually overcome doubt and skepticism through their tangible achievements.
    • Strategy: Embrace the journey of perseverance as a silent yet powerful force driving you towards success. View doubt and skepticism as opportunities for growth, allowing your actions to serve as a resounding response to any uncertainties. Stay focused on your goals, trusting in the promises of success that whisper in the quiet corridors of perseverance.
    • Execution: Commit yourself wholeheartedly to the pursuit of your goals, knowing that perseverance is the key to overcoming doubts and skepticism. Stay disciplined in your efforts, remaining steadfast in the face of challenges and setbacks. Let your actions speak volumes, showcasing the depth of your dedication and the magnitude of your achievements as they reverberate louder than any skepticism.


Q: Why is working silently important?

  • Working silently allows individuals to maintain focus and dedication without the distractions of external validation or noise. It fosters a deep sense of commitment to one’s goals and ensures that efforts are directed towards achieving success.

Q: How can one stay motivated while working silently?

  • Maintaining motivation while working silently requires setting clear, achievable goals and regularly tracking progress. Finding intrinsic motivation and focusing on personal growth rather than external recognition can also help sustain motivation.

Q: How can one measure success when working silently?

  • Success can be measured by the attainment of specific goals, milestones, or personal growth markers. Regularly assessing progress, celebrating achievements, and reflecting on the journey can provide insight into the success achieved through silent dedication.

Final Thoughts

“Silence isn’t empty. It’s so full of answers”

There is immense power in silence, learn to be silent and not react to the different types of people you will encounter on your journey towards a greater life. Always maintain your class and composure under all circumstances.

Ignore the naysayers and those who try to bring you down to their level.

The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go Beyond them into the impossible. Work Hard in silence, let your success be the NOISE.