Try to meditate for some time daily that will ensure you have a relaxed mind for a sound sleep.

Sleep is crucial. Sleep is essential. Sleep is medicine. Sleep is for immunity. Sleep is for brain health. Sleep is for memory. Sleep works like a vaccine, too, for infectious diseases.

There is a lot of scientific research which strongly recommends a good night sleep for good health and happiness.

People who have normal sleep habits fall asleep within 10 to 20 minutes and sleep for roughly 7-8 hours every night.

But today, a lot of people have sleeping disorders. They are anxious about an odd event in their life, and they find it difficult to turn thoughts off at times.

You call it anxiety, stress, and depression… None of these is going to contribute to health and well-being and happiness-Tells Hirav Shah, Renowned Business Transformation Expert Of India.

Setting appropriate sleep habits can assist you in falling asleep for a decent length of time.

Few tips for getting a good night’s sleep

1. Ideal Bed Time

Every night, try to go to bed at the same time:Establish your body’s ideal bedtime and schedule your day around it.

2. No Interruption

Sleep with no interruption: TVs, laptops, and phones should all be removed from your room. In other words, eject electronics. “This means no computers, TVs, iPads, iPods, or Blackberrys in the bedroom. They create distractions by reminding you of everything else you should be doing and act as secret stressors.

3. Keep The Lights Dim

Light wakes you up. Bright light wakes you up. So avoid it before you go to sleep and if you wake up during the night.

4. No Caffeine

Caffeine should be avoided in the afternoons and evenings: Caffeine has the potential to keep you awake at night. Determine if you should eliminate it or limit it to a set time each day.

5. Few Hours Before Bedtime, eating and drinking Well

Late night eating might make it more difficult to fall asleep. Allow enough time for your body to digest.

Furthermore, drinking late at night may cause you to wake up in the middle of the night to use the restroom. This might lead to sleep deprivation. Eat and drink well, but at least two hours before bedtime.

6. Don’t Exercise Before Bed Time

Exercise, but at least 3 to 4 hours before bedtime. If you exercise excessively before going to bed, this may cause your body to become too alert.

7. Bedroom Needs To Be Kept Cool

Make sure your room is dark enough to relax in and that the temperature is acceptable. The ideal sleeping temperature is 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

A bedroom that’s too warm can induce nightmares. One that’s too cool keeps your body from fully relaxing because it’s trying to protect its core temperature.

8. Meditation

Try to meditate for some time daily that will ensure you have a relaxed mind for a sound sleep. And also it will help to enhance the strength and usage of subconscious mind to enhance wellness in your life.

Final Thoughts

Stick to a consistent sleep-wake schedule. Our biology—and our circadian rhythms in particular—dictate when we fall asleep.

Want to live longer?
Start eating healthy &
Start sleeping healthy as well…Concludes Hirav Shah, Prolific Business Enhancement Leader Of The Country.