Letting go of someone you love can be one of the most difficult things to do. According to Hirav Shah, a Business Coach and Astro-Business Strategist, it’s important to remember that the right person will never let you go. However, if you find yourself holding onto the wrong person, it may be necessary to let them go. Letting go is a process that can be confusing and intense, similar to grief. It’s normal to have good days when you feel confident in your decision, and bad days when self-doubt creeps in. It may take several attempts before you can fully let go, and some people may choose to hold onto unhealthy relationships or friendships out of fear of being alone. However, not letting go can prevent you from reaching your full potential and living a positive and proactive life. It’s important to learn how to let go and move forward.
Table of Contents
How To Let Go Of Someone
To unlock the life you deserve, it’s necessary to let go of, that negative influence on you, Says Hirav Shah.
Hirav Shah Adds –
The process of letting go of, is difficult indeed…and it starts with deciding and finally making peace with the past.
“It’s your life. You have to make it easier and worth it. It is you who can decide. And it’s you who will decide”, Quotes Hirav Shah.
Deciding how to let go becomes easier when you are certain the time has come and that your future happiness depends on a new start.Going your separate ways does not have to be an experience filled with anger or judgment. When you recognize that the person is not allowing you to chase your dreams, you can forgive them and yourself for any pain the separation may cause and wish them the best for the future.
Now, are you ready to change your story and let go of relationships that no longer serve you?
Remember – Leave everything, that stops you from achieving your true potential.
“You are that one decision away from a completely different life”.
2. Make Peace With The Past
It’s hard to march forward when you feel like there are things holding you back.
Maybe you’re guilty that you weren’t the best partner/friend/person you could be.
Despite these feelings, remind yourself that in the midst of love and longing and happiness, there is also a part of you that wants to let go of this person and let yourself be.
No matter how fond you are of them, there is a stronger, smarter part of you that knows it’s time to move forward.
Whatever is holding you back – guilt, anger, unresolved issues, unfair accusations, unrequited love – consider the matter done and dealt with.
You’re not fixing the relationship anymore, you’re preparing to move forward on your own so there is no point mulling over past mistakes or missed opportunities.
Remember-Letting go is Essential because it creates Space for Growth and Renewal.
6 Steps to Move On As Outlined By Hirav Shah
Knowing you need to let go and actually letting go are two very different things. These tips will help you release yourself when it’s time to move on.
TIP #1. Reach Out To A Supportive Friend/ Family Member/ Life Coach
Trying to let go in isolation makes the process harder than it needs to be. Plus, without feeling supported you are more likely to struggle with depression, confusion and self-doubt.
Speak to your trusted friends /family members / life coach/ therapist and discuss why you’re letting go of in the first place.
Reaching out to them and sharing how you feel, really helps. Let these people be there for you in these times.
TIP #2.Recognize Self-Limiting Beliefs
There’s no worse outcome than being paralyzed mentally.
Take the leap. Move into action. Jumping into action is easy when you identify your self-limiting beliefs, that prevents you from truly letting go. It is highly recommended to replace limiting beliefs with “I love myself and I deserve the Best”, ” There is no stopping me” and “Yes, its possible and I will make it possible.”
If babies could think, they’d never learn to walk.
TIP #3. Do Away With Social Media
Many people unfriend, unfollow and even block the other person so as to gain some sense of control and erase any reminder of them.
However, according to a study, even if you unfollow, unfriend and block, social media platforms are very likely to serve you reminders of your relationship due to their algorithms.
So, you will have to be totally ‘off -social-media’. Like really ‘off- all platforms’
TIP #4. Increase Self-Care
Letting go is a process that depletes your energy. Physically you may feel more tired and less interested in fun activities.
It’s the right time to nurture yourself.
Instead of beating yourself up, practice self-love. Take care of your self.Eat good healthy food and increase self-care.
TIP #5. Keep Occupied
Avoid staying in bed all day. Don’t avoid friends and your loved ones. Talk to them about all the good things in life. Kick-start your day with an empowering morning ritual that includes activities like meditation or yoga or cycling.
Engaging in activities that distract you from current events can be very helpful. You can watch your favorite movies and TV shows, pick up a new hobby like baking or music, join an online fitness class or enroll in a free online university course. Basically, the bottom line is to keep busy, by doing all positive things.
TIP #6. Be Gentle With Yourself, And Give Your-Self The Time
Healing is a process not a destination.
Be gentle with yourself. Give yourself the time you deserve. Give yourself the care you deserve. Give yourself all that you deserve. Treat yourself with compassion and don’t allow anyone to guilt you into “just getting over it.”
With these steps and the right support, you eventually will get closure and that’s where you’ll find peace.
Move Forward
According to Hirav Shah, a Business Coach and Astro-Business Strategist, once you have recognized your self-worth and rebuilt your identity, it’s time to take actionable steps towards progress. This can be as simple as reconnecting with old friends or keeping a journal to track your emotions. Ultimately, the goal is to find purpose and meaning in life.