Have you ever asked yourself, ‘What does happiness mean to me?”.

The answer will change over the years as everyone goes through different phases of life’s journey. As a kid, it may mean keeping your mum happy by getting good grades at school. As an adolescent, it may mean behaving well enough to want people to be friends with me. As a professional, it may mean doing well at your job and getting rewarded and praised for it. As a husband/wife, it may mean being the best one at keeping everyone around pleased & satiated. As a father/mother, it may mean having the best for your child and his/her overall wellbeing. So you get the drift, right?

What is Happiness?

Celebrated Astro Strategist cum Business Astrologer™ Hirav Shah quotes Aeschylus, an ancient Greek playwright, “Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times.” 

Hirav Shah says, “Happiness is that believing that comes over you when you realize life is acceptable and you can’t resist the urge to grin. It’s something contrary to misery. It’s a condition of prosperity described by feelings going from Happiness to exceptional satisfaction. Its inclination is warm and fluffy inside and stretching out the inclination to your environmental elements. You transmit inspiration, and individuals need to associate with you, be your friends, converse with you.

For what reason should one be happy?

  • Happy individuals make more money and are more useful at work.
  • Happiness is useful for our wellbeing; happy individuals are more averse to becoming ill, and they live more.
  • Happiness is useful for our connections.
  • Happy individuals are bound to get hitched and to have satisfying relationships, and they have more friends.
  • Happy individuals are more generous.
  • Happy individuals adapt better to stress and trauma.
  • Happy individuals are more innovative and are better ready to see the higher perspective.

There’s a solid co-connection between Mental Health and Happiness. You like being with family and friends. You are in a situation to help an unhappy individual or a circumstance. You will discover you let things slide by that aren’t working for you without whimpering. You will discover the solidarity to be versatile in desperate conditions and search for approaches to ricochet back. You will not feel more liberated from controlling your connections. You will, in general, work on contrasts with affection and regard rather than a fault. The best thing is you figure out how to have similar regard and love for yourself.

There are a few thoughtful gestures a happy person accomplishes for themselves.

  • Commit to doing one nice thing for yourself every day.
  • Listening to yourself – Forgiving yourself.
  • Accepting yourself as you are right now.
  • Eliminating toxic people in your life and workplace.
  • Prioritizing your health – Stop skipping meals.
  • Breathe!
  • Giving yourself a welcoming space
  • Getting some sunlight.

Hirav Shah says, “Today I realize I am Happy because

  • I choose to have healthy relationships
  • I can let go of the Drama
  • I have a Go-Giver mindset
  • I can make all my decisions with integrity
  • I am able to have good emotional boundaries
  • I can practice patience and mindfulness easily
  • I have learned to upgrade my Happiness to joy

Hirav adds, “Presently Happiness for me is meeting a sweetheart for espresso and working my heart out, playing with my youngster (goodness yes – I have learned computer games can be fun as well), walking around the recreation center, and taking in the magnificence of Mother Nature around me, looking for appreciation for the abundance of joy I have been honored with, cooking for my family, strolling the canine, now and again leaving the housework alone and lazing around, the rundown is perpetual I have perceived that the power to be is inside me and not outside.

I have come to understand that Happiness is a choice and not a result. Nothing will satisfy me until I decide to be happy.