Below outlined is the weekly horoscope for entrepreneurs by Astro-Strategist and Business Astrologer™ Hirav Shah, which will aid your progress in your business, career, family, love and health.

Aries Weekly Horoscope

Aries Career and Business Horoscope – Time to provide cross training to your middle level staff. Time to look into and resolve pending HR and labor issues. Time to keep a tab on your marketing strategies as well.

Aries Family and love Horoscope – You will get closer to your loved one or romantic partner. You will receive tons of blessings from your parents or guardians. Your friends will act helpful around this time.

Aries Health Horoscope – Health matters look okay aside nagging flu and cold. Your mental health will get better and improve.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope


Taurus Career and Business Horoscope – This week you will make progress in your professional life through sheer elbow grease and team support. Together put your act so that you can inspire trust in other folks. Gather up all your motivational and team-building skills and pull all together, for a group meeting.

Taurus Family and love Horoscope – You will fail to spend quality time with your family members. You got to allocate enough time for your family to understand their needs to maintain a good relationship.

Taurus Health Horoscope – Health matters look better than last week and the good thing is that you have started to focus on sleep and nutrition and exercise. You just gotta keep following this.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope


Gemini Career and Business Horoscope – As per Gemini business horoscope of this week, future planning is a must if you wish to succeed in your desired field of interest. For a few, there would be some really good news regarding your career. So, if you are the one carrying the sign of Gemini, you will meet plenty of fresh opportunities.

Gemini Family and love Horoscope – Your family will bring stability into your life this week. If you have plans to celebrate this week, time to include your family in it. Love matters look favorable too.

Gemini Health Horoscope – Stress has to be gotten rid off. At least it needs to be managed well. Rest will just fall in place.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope


Cancer Career and Business Horoscope – This week should be a good one for Cancer folks in terms of their careers. You will finish the project earlier with a good grade. Some employers will recognise this as an superb effort on your part. If you strive hard, you will be compensated for the same.

Cancer Family and love Horoscope – Family strains and strains in love matters might be visible this week. Try to avoid confrontations this week.

Cancer Health Horoscope – Try to eat home cooked food only with less oil and move more and more. Rest will be fine.

Leo Weekly Horoscope


Leo Career and Business Horoscope – For you, this is a week full of opportunities. You will be full of energy. You will also be eager to take on new projects. Your determination will pay off.

Leo Family and love Horoscope – Finding love will seem challenging, but the efforts will be rewarded. To accomplish, you have a cart full of things, but you’re not motivated to do them. Family matters look blissful this week.

Leo Health Horoscope – Your health prospects look very promising this week. You will feel a boost of freshness, that will help you make the best of the week.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope


Virgo Career and Business Horoscope – Virgo might start seeing some success. Your ability to win in a high-stakes situation will make a positive impression on your reporting heads. Global networking could be good for your career.

Virgo Family and love Horoscope – Romance prospects look brighter. Love matters better. Family matters look blissful as well.

Virgo Health Horoscope – Migraines and headaches will persist if you fail to manage your stress levels.

Libra Weekly Horoscope


Libra Career and Business Horoscope – This is a week of recognition and success. You will find that your confidence and self-assuredness are at an all-time high, making it easier for you to assert yourself and take charge.

Libra Family and love Horoscope – Breakups are likely to happen. But don’t hope. Whatever happens, happens for the good. Family friction will also be handled well.

Libra Health Horoscope – Dyspepsia and stomach upset might happen. Time to take charge of your food habits please.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope


Scorpio Career and Business Horoscope – Your work-week will have strain. Communication with your team and determination will help resolve it easily. If you are a business owner, you will see a stable flow of customers this week, so encourage your staff to do more.

Scorpio Family and love Horoscope – Romance is to be experienced and for that you have to learn from your significant other. As far as family matters are concerned, allow your family members to love you the way they know how to, without dictating terms.

Scorpio Health Horoscope – Stop that sugar. Stop that junk. Stop that deep fried food. Focus on the healthier and on the better.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope


Sagittarius Career and Business Horoscope – This week, your professional prospects appear to be very promising. If you are a startup owner, you will experience a new inflow of clientele. Corporate matters look favorable as well.

Sagittarius Family and love Horoscope – Familial strains might happen but these will all be momentary. Strains in your romantic relationships might also happen. These will also be temporary.

Sagittarius Health Horoscope – Physically, you will feel less acidic and more active. Maintaining the right posture at work is advised.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope


Capricorn Career and Business Horoscope – You will have an ideal week at work. If you have deliverables to turn over this week, try to work extra hard to complete them, as it will be essential for your upscaling later.

Capricorn Family and love Horoscope – Family members, couples and singles alike seem to be going through a trying day this week. Best is to maintain control of your speech and thoughts.

Capricorn Health Horoscope – Throat infections might happen. Gargling should be considered to be done daily. Lung infection might also happen as well.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope


Aquarius Career and Business Horoscope – This week, some of you will find it challenging to concentrate, which will cause delays. Even if they don’t make enough money, entrepreneurs will nonetheless have a tough week.

Aquarius Family and love Horoscope – Romance and love and even family matters look favorable and blissful and auspicious. Thank your stars for the same.

Aquarius Health Horoscope – Health looks much better and even your stress levels will significantly reduce. Even your sugar levels will remain maintained and your blood pressure will also be in control.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope


Pisces Career and Business Horoscope – Expansion will be experienced throughout. If you are an entrepreneur, your business will gain profits and if you are planning to expand, then this is the most favorable time.

Pisces Family and love Horoscope – Romantic evenings are on the cards, but your actions might derail the evenings. Family time looks auspicious, really.

Pisces Health Horoscope – Enrolling in a fitness program will put you among health-conscious people. Stop that binge drinking and constant smoking. Stop getting sleep deprived.

Celebrity Birthdays Of The Week

February 20 – Annu Kapoor
February 21 – Vedhika
February 22 – Sooraj Barjatya
February 23 – Bhagyashree
February 24 – Nani
February 25- Shahid Kapoor
February 26 – Shaktikanta Das

Weekly Horoscope FAQs :

When was Shahid Kapoor born?

25 February 1981

Who is Sooraj Barjatya ?

Director of Rajshri Productions

What is Nani’s DOB?

24 February 1984

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