In today’s era of technology, it’s absolutely imperative to utilize the internet and use it as a marketing tool. With the New Year period just around the corner, you must have a strategy to get more people to stay in your hotels during their vacation. From putting pictures of your rooms kept neat and clean by the hotel housekeeping staff on social media to promotional offers, every little effort can make a huge difference.

Celebrated Astro Strategist cum Business Astrologer™ Hirav Shah says, “The challenge of being in the hotel industry is overtaking the overwhelming amount of competition. Especially with the growth in popularity of apps like Airbnb and HomeAway, it’s become even more daunting to stand out against the competition to gather more hotel bookings.

While hotel marketers are all too familiar with these tough challenges, they are still tasked with exceeding their metrics, which are often tied to hotel bookings.

So how can a struggling hotel marketer make sure people can find your hotel in the first place and then get so interested they can’t wait to book their stay?

7 ways to market your hotel in a better way

1. Content-rich website

It’s important to make sure your website has a festive appearance with pictures showing colorful decorations of your rooms and other parts of the hotel. Give details of any sort of events your hotel is hosting on New Year’s Eve or any other occasion.

2. Utilization of social media

Social media can be a very useful marketing tool if utilized properly. People love gifts during New Years’ time. You can attract people to your hotel page on Facebook by starting any sort of New Year-related contest and give some sort of discount to selected winners.

3. Give special discounts

In New Years’ time, to get the maximum occupancy, the main objective has to be to attract new customers. There’s no better tool for attracting people than providing them with freebies and special discounts.

4. Give a virtual tour of your hotel

Sometimes just pictures or descriptions about rooms and other services may not be convincing enough to entice customers. So, give a glimpse of what they will be getting by giving potential customers a virtual tour of your hotel.

5. Keep track of guests and other hotel related things using a hotel management software

Use software for the hotel industry that helps in the efficient running of hotel operations can prove to be a game-changer in today’s market. The hotel management software has many advantages, from keeping a bird’s eye view of customer needs to make sure all services are working as they should be.

6. Keep the customer service open 24×7

Nowadays, almost all bookings are made online, and online customers can visit a website at any time. So, you must make sure that the portal to address customer queries is open 24×7.

7. Provide a loyalty program


It has been observed that hotels which provide loyalty programs like rewards based on many visits or types of services used get more new customers and also retains the existing customers.

These are some of the ideas that can help you to market your hotel during festive periods like New Year. The main mantra for attracting customers to your hotel is engaging them and creating an impression in their minds that your hotel is the best hotel to spend quality time with their families.

By coupling a data-driven hotel performance strategy with a well-oiled marketing machine, hoteliers can kick their efforts into hyperdrive, boost demand and secure a stronger financial position than ever.

Hirav Shah sums it up by saying, “Hotel marketing doesn’t need to be ground-breaking. If you’re in the hospitality business, show people where you are and what you can offer them that’s different from your competitors in your area. If you’re in the hotel business, show people how great your food is and tempt their palettes with mouth-watering imagery.

For everyone in the hotel business, it’s important to communicate positive experiences and show reviews that past customers or visitors have had with you. Success in restaurant marketing relies on making your customers satisfied.

So do it.

Make things seamless, make their visit memorable, and you’re off to the races.