Here are the Numerology Predictions from Business Strategist and Astro-Strategist Hirav Shah for the week ( May 07 to May 13, 2021 )
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Weekly Numerology for Number 1 (SUN): (Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th in any month)
You will work hard to achieve something special. Helping them with a relative’s troubles will bring you happiness. It is also possible to buy something new at home. The home-family atmosphere will be properly maintained. Constipation and gas problems may increase.
Avoid wearing lemon color
Lucky days: Saturday
Lucky color: brown
Weekly Numerology for Number 2 (MOON) (Those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th in any month)
Any important decision you make will pay off. You will also be involved in workplace activities. The cooperation and advice from the members of the household will also be beneficial for you. Do not use negative words when communicating. It is necessary to take some time for yourself.
Avoid wearing white
Lucky days: Thursday
Lucky color: gray
Weekly Numerology for Number 3 (JUPITER) (Those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th in any month)
Try to complete your work in peace instead of rushing at this time. All tasks will be completed properly. Your positive attitude and balanced thinking will help you solve any problem. The family atmosphere will be happily maintained. Have a light meal and avoid junk food.
Avoid wearing orange
Lucky days: Wednesday
Lucky color: yellow
Weekly Numerology for Number 4 (URANUS) (Those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st in any month)
There will be full cooperation of the staff and there will be progress in the work. There will also be some positive and productive news. Having a good time in activities according to your mind will bring you peace of mind. Children and youth class should pay full attention to their studies and careers. Cough can increase the discomfort of colds.
Avoid wearing green
Lucky days: Friday
Lucky color: black
Weekly Numerology for Number 5 (MERCURY) (Those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd in any month)
This time will be especially soothing for women. New plans will be made as a long term strategy, which will prove beneficial. The way you live and talk will attract other people to you. Your influence in the field will be maintained. Health can remain excellent.
Avoid wearing dark green
Lucky Day: Monday
Lucky color: brown
Weekly Numerology for Number 6 (VENUS) (Those born on the 6th, 15th and 24th in any month)
There will be a positive change in the busy routine that has been going on for the last few days. Your efficiency is likely to yield more than expected. You will also be involved in political and social activities. Relationships can become closer in marriage. Headaches and migraine headaches may increase.
Avoid wearing yellow
Lucky days: Tuesday
Lucky color: black
Weekly Numerology for Number 7 (NEPTUNE) (Those born on the 7th, 16th and 25th in any month)
You will get leverage to grow your business faster and more efficiently. With the new source of unexpected income, there will also be a state of expenditure. Your decision will be paramount in any family matter. There is a need to make a little change in one’s own way of working at this time. Health can be good.
Avoid wearing cream color
Lucky days: Sunday
Lucky color: pink
Weekly Numerology for Number 8 (SATURN) (Those born on the 8th, 17th and 26th in any month)
A few old differences will be resolved. Finding a solution to any problem related to children will bring relief. An important task can be accomplished through your dedication and courage. Good news can come from a close relative. Proper coordination between the spouses will be maintained.
Avoid wearing violet color
Lucky days: Monday
Lucky Color: Sky Blue
Weekly Numerology for Number 9 (MARS) (Those born on the 9th, 18th and 27th in any month)
It’s time to dump the old non working relationship and move on. If there is a plan to relocate, the time is right. There will be a visit with a dear friend and old memories will also be refreshed. Ego can arise between husband and wife. Any stomach problems may arise.