In today’s dynamic business scenario, businessmen, executives, and entrepreneurs are constantly on the lookout for a mentor or guide like a Business Strategist or Astrologer or Astro-Strategist, who can help them ride up the success ladder in Business.

What a Business Strategist does?

  • Develops new opportunities by analyzing industry trends, recognizing potential markets, and understanding customer needs
  • Helps to develop operational plans to ensure efficient use of resources while achieving business goals
  • Develops and helps implement a strategic plan that aligns with company goals

What a Business Strategist may not do ?

Success and prosperity in business is due to Hard work, Smart work, Talent, and Luck. All of these factors are multiplied with each other, so if any of these factors is zero, then you will have zero success in business!

In other words, Business success is 80% combination of Hard Work, Mindset, Strategy, Effective Execution & Talent & of course 20% is the “Luck factor”.

And thus it’s clear that a Business Strategist might not be able to help in this “Luck” part, which is extremely crucial and pivotal for success.

What does an Astro-Strategist do?

An Astro Strategist provides highly customized and holistic business solutions by utilizing all the factors of success – talent, hard work, smart work, mindset, strategies, execution, and luck. In other words, an Astro-Strategist mixes business principles with Astrology, thereby transforming the business’s direction and leading the business to its truest success.

How an Astro-Strategist helps TRANSFORM a Business ?

An Astro-Strategist can validate your strategic call and TRANSFORM Your BUSINESS.

There are only 3 ways to validate your strategic calls for Sales, Marketing, Advertising, Branding, Image Building, Acquisition, Diversification, Exit Strategy or collaboration with BIG BRANDS, Business ROI etc…

K E A Rule

1. K stands for Knowledge
2. E stands for Experience
3. A stands for Astrology.

From the above K, E and A rule, Astrology is the only TOOL which can give you CERTAINTY & CLARITY on your CHANCES of REACHING your GOAL, what competencies you need to work on, in advance, before strategising or taking any massive action. And when you get certainty, you can execute with more potential!

Employing only Expert Knowledge in Business gives 20% more productivity.

Making use of only Expert Experience in Business gives 30% more productivity.

The combination of Expert’s Knowledge plus Expert’s Experience can bring 42% more productivity.

The combination of BUSINESS ASTROLOGY with Expert’s KNOWLEDGE of Business and Expert’s EXPERIENCE in the respective field of Business can bring 96% more productivity and STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS to the table, thereby reducing the GAP between where you are and where you want to go.

Final Word

For a successful business venture you need a strong foundation and an Astro-Strategist’s addition to your team can certainly ensure a powerful and secure base to build your dreams.

Writer is a well known Astro Strategist and Business Astrologer.