The words we use can have a profound impact on our lives. They can shape our thoughts, emotions, and actions, and ultimately determine our level of success and happiness. By changing the way we speak, we can transform our lives for the better. Here are 10 powerful ways to change your words and unlock your full potential.

Language shapes our behaviour, and each word we use is imbued with multitudes of personal meaning. The right words spoken in the right way can bring us love, money and respect, while the wrong words—or even the right words spoken in the wrong way — can lead a country to war. We must carefully orchestrate our speech if we want to achieve our goals and bring our dreams to fruition — Words Can Change Your Brain,” says noted Astro Strategist cum Business Astrologer™ Hirav Shah.

Hirav adds, “The world’s most prominent leaders and progressive thinkers have consistently utilised the force of words to change our emotions to help move others toward their vision and make a significant change. From Winston Churchill’s focus on the “finest hour” to Martin Luther King, Jr’s. Depiction of a “dream,” it’s obvious that words shape our whole presence. Yet, what might be said about our own capacity to utilise words inside to transform ourselves to improve things – words that will touch off change, move activity and improve our personal satisfaction? Will changing your words transform you? Our words are a vehicle for communicating and imparting our encounters to other people; however, you may not understand the expansive effects of the words you use consistently.

What you address yourself straightforwardly means for how you experience things throughout everyday life. In the event that your inside self-talk is negative, the odds are that your outer encounters will be harmful too.”

Hirav Shah explains, “In recent years, I’ve had the advantage of working within excess of many individuals around the world, and I’ve seen the force that changing only one watchword in an individual’s vocabulary can have in transit an individual feels – and how that individual acts. By basically changing your habitual vocabulary – the words you reliably use to portray emotions – you can immediately change how you think, how you feel and how you live. This works with the Organizational Change Management style too. Make your inside vocabulary more sure, and you’ll be flabbergasted at the positive outer encounters you’ll find. This is the force of Transformational Vocabulary – intentionally utilising your words to improve and completely change you.”


Hirav Shah says that the English language contains exactly 500,000 words. However, the normal individual’s functioning vocabulary comprises just 2,000 – 0.5% of the whole language. So what a number of words make up our habitual vocabulary? For a great many people, it midpoints around 200–300 words. (On the other hand, John Milton’s works utilized around 17,000 words, and William Shakespeare utilized 24,000 words, 5,000 of which he just utilized one time.) Of those 500,000 words, around 3,000 are utilized to portray emotions – 66% of which are utilized to depict negative emotions.

With these promptly accessible approaches to communicate our feelings and ideas, for what reason would we say we are alright with a particularly ruined vocabulary? Our cerebrums are working at high velocities, handling data and attempting to turn out to be more effective. Therefore, we resort to utilizing a similar vocabulary again and again. Chasing after proficiency, we frequently make easy routes that then scam us inwardly.


Go on. Require ten minutes and record every one of the emotions you feel at any rate once per week (not emotions you feel once per month or year). What did you think of?

Amazingly, regardless of whether the people comprise 2,000 or 30,000 individuals, 90% of individuals record a normal of twelve words – the greater part of which address negative feelings. That implies that out of the 3,000 words we have for emotions, the vast majority is slower than six words to portray positive sentiments. Yet, the words for their awful feelings are all the more promptly accessible, put away and recollected. Have you at any point set aside the effort to consider which words you habitually use and what they might be meaning for your life and prosperity? Would you be able to perceive what a negative vocabulary may mean for your emotions and encounters?

We should take a gander at this wonder in another light. Imagine a scenario where an individual has posed a similar inquiry and recorded 30 positive emotions. How glad and satisfied do you believe that individual is throughout everyday life?

The issue is that our default setting isn’t to intentionally pick our words to depict our emotions. At the point when we experience upsetting emotions, we unknowingly count on our habitual vocabulary. The words we connect to our experience become our experience. Words biochemically affect the body. The moment you utilize a word like “devastated,” you will deliver a totally different biochemical impact than if you say, “I’m somewhat baffled.”

It’s not difficult to see the effect of language when we take a gander at how we feel when others address us. For instance, on the off chance that somebody said to you, “I believe you’re mixed up,” versus, “I believe you’re off-base,” versus, “You’re lying,” would you have an alternate biochemical reaction to that straightforward expression? A similar precise interaction occurs with the words that we use to address ourselves, however tragically, we’re less aware of the effect.


I initially got mindful of the force of naming emotions during an exceptional arrangement over ten years and a half prior. I imparted data to the next party, figuring it would help my business accomplices and me slice through the situation and demonstrate honest intentions. Lamentably, the other party utilized that data, trying to settle the negotiation in an unfair manner.

To say it was disturbing at the time would be putting it mildly.

After the gathering, I was disappointed and irate, yet the force of one of my accomplices perplexed me. He was infuriated and felt that the other party was “putting a firearm to our head.” His face was beet red, and he was crazy as I attempted to quiet him down. The power of his emotions struck me since it appeared to be ludicrously contrasted with my disappointment. Then again, our other accomplice appeared to be totally unaffected by the experience.

At the point when I asked him, “You don’t appear to be resentful about this. Aren’t you furious?” He said, “Indeed, no, not actually. I’m somewhat irritated by this.” I was suspicious. “Irritated?” I asked, “Don’t you understand what these individuals have done?” He said, “obviously, I do. I’m positively somewhat peeved.” “Peeved?” I repeated. “What do you mean, peeved?” To which he reacted, “Indeed, it’s truly not worth being irritated with, and that is the way I feel.

I was struck by how every one of us utilized words with such fluctuated levels of force and, furthermore, how our encounters of the occasion were so fundamentally extraordinary. How is it possible that it would be that I was baffled, one of my accomplices was maddened, and my other accomplice was somewhat peeved? I contemplated “peeved.” What an absurd word to depict how these individuals had dealt with us. I could never utilize this word to depict how I was feeling; however, of course, I had never been that quiet in an uncalled for circumstance. I started to ponder, imagining a scenario in which I remained quiet and named this shamefulness as “irritating me?” Just to utilize the word would presumably make me snicker. Possibly he was on to something.


Is it conceivable that the words we join to our experience really become our experience? Do words have a biochemical impact? For the following few weeks after that gathering, I started to see the distinctive language themes of others and how they amplified or mollified their emotions. Will an adjustment of words lead to an adjustment of state?

The time had come to test this hypothesis. I made a 10-day challenge for myself. To start with, I would need to recognize my enthusiastic propensities. Then, at that point, I would intentionally supplant these with another word to break my default example of thought and feeling.

I got my first chance after a long arrangement of corresponding flights, which were all late. I showed up at my lodging at 2 a.m., realizing I must be up to talk at 8 a.m. I held up an additional 10 minutes at the front work area while the agent gradually looked for my name on the PC. The dissatisfaction compounded until it went to outrage. Unexpectedly, I went to the man and said, “I realize this isn’t your issue, however right presently, I’m totally worn out, and I truly need to get any room you can discover for me since I’m feeling somewhat peeved.”

Trying to say that word changed my manner of speaking and caused the entire circumstance to appear to be senseless. The agent took a gander at me in disarray prior to breaking into a major grin. I grinned back; my example was broken. As ludicrous and basic as it sounds, the substitution word broke my example of outrage. The passionate fountain of liquid magma working within me in a split second cooled.


Could it truly be this simple? Just by changing the words we habitually use to depict our emotions, could we change our feelings and the nature of our lives? Ten days transformed into a month, and I can advise you, without question, it was a daily existence changing experience. This isn’t to say there will not be times when you feel furious or rankled, yet wouldn’t it be ideal to have that be a cognizant decision instead of a habitual negative response? We can be proactive in picking our emotions—we can make encounters more pleasurable.

In case you’re considering how to completely change yourself in the least demanding manner conceivable, start with a single word. Supplant a single word that will change the manner in which you experience something “negative.” Shifting your passionate examples is the way to form your choices, activities and life. This is the means by which you make a decision rather than a habitual response.

Groundbreaking vocabulary enables you to change your encounters in life by bringing down the force of negative emotions to where they presently don’t control you. It can likewise be utilized to take positive encounters and increment them to much more prominent statues of joy.


Hirav Shah concludes by saying, “How exceptional will your life be at the point at which you reliably bring down the force of negative emotions and heighten the positive ones? Start little. Note the negative words you use on a reliable premise and ask yourself how you can transform them. Would you be able to be “peeved” rather than “devastated?” On the other hand, would you be able to feel “happy” rather than “satisfied?” Internal discourse can completely change you. Begin making advantageous propensities today, and you’ll rapidly reach a more positive, joyful state.”