Below outlined is the weekly horoscope for entrepreneurs by Astro-Strategist and Business Astrologer™ Hirav Shah, which will aid your progress in your business, career, family, love and health.

Aries Weekly Horoscope

Aries Career and Business Horoscope – Things will get a little rough as you become the bait for petty politics. Rise above all this and stick to your intuition. Your reporting head may have unrealistic demands set on you. Resilience will help you navigate through.

Aries Family and love Horoscope – Obsession in a relationship should be a strict no no. Checking on your partner should be a strict no no. Time to give quality time to your family and to your parents.

Aries Health Horoscope – Don’t neglect minor lung issues. Time to visit a physician for the same. Also don’t take the flu and cold lightly. Please.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Taurus Career and Business Horoscope – Senior staff will find themselves in a position of authority, with the potential for advancement and promotions.This week is a good week for taking on new projects and pushing yourself to attain your goals. At work, freshers will get a prime project.

Taurus Family and love Horoscope – Family functions/events are on the cards. Long family trips are also on the cards. Time for lovers to take their romance to the next level.

Taurus Health Horoscope – Folks with critical health issues are likely to feel a little better. Folks suffering from depression have to immediately go out of town for a break.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Gemini Career and Business Horoscope – This week is a great week for networking and building connections in your sector. Focus on your objectives. Network with your coworkers and strive towards achieving your professional aspirations.

Gemini Family and love Horoscope – For changes on the home front, you are likely to support your spouse’s ideas wholeheartedly. Night driving with your loved one appears risky this week, so avoid it if you can.

Gemini Health Horoscope – Chronic health issues will get better. The universe is on your side. The stars also indicate that you are on your way for recovery.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Cancer Career and Business Horoscope – A brand new profession or business may catch your attention. This could be either a career you want to pursue or maybe a business you would like to invest in. Why hesitate to get on board… Aren’t you waiting all your life for this.

Cancer Family and love Horoscope – Romance is in the air, but you gotta bring your significant other in the mood for. You will feel happy as one of your family members will make you proud by getting laurels for the family.

Cancer Health Horoscope – If you haven’t managed your stress levels well you are likely to fall ill more frequently. From minor ailments to serious ones, you might get them all.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

Leo Career and Business Horoscope – This week, you will feel restless and a desire to shake things up. However, remember this. It is important to avoid taking impulsive calls that can have negative consequences in the longer run.

Leo Family and love Horoscope – Family tensions might just erupt. This could be due to some previous grudge or due to some miscommunication. Even tensions in love matters might also erupt.

Leo Health Horoscope – Excellent health is indicated. Maintain healthy habits for continued fitness. You have a strong sense of self-control this week, which can aid you resist temptation and make healthy choices regarding exercise and food.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Virgo Career and Business Horoscope – Don’t be pushy. Rather be assertive. Don’t be afraid at all to stand up for what you truly believe in. You got to stand your ground, thereby you can earn the respect of others and get folks on board with your vision.

Virgo Family and love Horoscope – Agreement and harmony are likely to prevail this week. Embrace chances to have meaningful conversations with family members and loved ones.

Virgo Health Horoscope – Eating leafy green vegetables and seasonal fruits shall be on your list this week. Time to shift to alternative healthy snacking options please. Your health will certainly see improvement in times to come.

Libra Weekly Horoscope

Libra Career and Business Horoscope – In exams, students can receive positive results. Folks willing to pursue academia and research may find their calling. Folks in the job sector can receive the fruits of their labor as their efforts get appreciation.

Libra Family and love Horoscope – Show real interest in people’s feelings and thoughts, and express your own in a respectful way. By fostering open communication, you will deepen your connection, as far as both love matters or family matters are concerned.

Libra Health Horoscope – Working out is good but don’t over do it. Sleeping is good but don’t overdo it. Even a bit of stress is required in life. But don’t overstress.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Scorpio Career and Business Horoscope – A new chapter of opportunities is likely to knock at your door. A new chapter of growth is likely to knock at your door. Profitability can be seen in most service sectors.

Scorpio Family and love Horoscope – This week, you will realize that your relationship is built on a strong foundation of respect and mutual admiration. Your enthusiasm and passion for life can bring a spark to your relationship that keeps things fun.

Scorpio Health Horoscope – Maintaining correct posture is highly recommended while at work or even during your leisure time. Overeating is strictly prohibited post late evening.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Sagittarius Career and Business Horoscope – You have to fix your back office reports now. Also time to do an internal audit so that there are no gaps. Time to keep a tab on your sales and marketing as well.

Sagittarius Family and love Horoscope – If you are suffering a heartbreak, then it’s time to move on please. If you have been recently divorced, it’s time to move on please. If you have a toxic family life, it’s also the time to move on please.

Sagittarius Health Horoscope – Throw negativity out of your mind. Throw negativity out of your life. Lesser the negative vibes in your life, better your health will be.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Capricorn Career and Business Horoscope – Friction with your boss is indicated. Even ambiguity between colleagues is indicated. In important meetings, it is predicted that you will perform really well. This week, your clients will have no negative feedback on you.

Capricorn Family and love Horoscope – Romance will reach its highest peak, this week. You will paint the town red, with your newfound love. Family matters look favorable and harmonious and blissful.

Capricorn Health Horoscope – Matters related to emotional health look great. Even physical health matters look good. Minor ailments can happen obviously.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Aquarius Career and Business Horoscope – You’re moving through your professional life knowing that life’s got your back. And that every damn thing is ultimately transpiring for your greatest good. While you’re conscious about where you are and where you are being led towards, you have understood that you don’t need to constantly get to a certain destination.

Aquarius Family and love Horoscope – Parents will show participation in all of your crucial family decisions. You are lucky that you are getting the inputs from your parents. Newly married couple will enjoy a blissful time this week.

Aquarius Health Horoscope – Fitness freaks will enjoy a great time. Time to incorporate healthy eating and sleeping habits for folks who have suffered a lot on health matters.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Pisces Career and Business Horoscope – Career can be a tough cookie when you’re devoting your energy and time towards an endeavor that doesn’t light you up. This week calls for an assessment of where you are on your professional journey. Are you going to pause to make a course correction?

Pisces Family and love Horoscope – Your friends will help you a great deal. You will meet your cousins and other distant relatives at family functions. Your lover might get angry around this time, due to something you must have done unknowingly.

Pisces Health Horoscope – Nasal congestion is indicated. Acne and hair fall can also happen. In a nutshell, health matters look just fine.

Celebrity Birthdays of The Week

March 20 – Alka Yagnik
March 21- Rani Mukherjee
March 22- Aditya Seal
March 23- Smriti Irani
March 24- Emraan Hashmi
March 25- Pooja Salvi
March 26- Prakash Raj

Weekly Horoscope FAQs

What is Prakash Raj’s DOB?

26th March 1965

What is the DOB of Alka Yagnik?

20th March 1966

What is the Sun Sign of Smriti Irani?


What is Rani Mukerji’s 1st released film?

Raja Ki Aayegi Baraat

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