Weekly horoscope for entrepreneurs by Astro Strategist and Business Astrologer™ Hirav Shah, which will help you progress in your business, career, family, love and health.

Aries Weekly Horoscope

Aries Career and Business Horoscope – Don’t get over excited while making any deals as it may go the other way round. Stay calm and focused. Work on your weekly targets. Budding entrepreneurs may find their luck this week.

Aries Family and love Horoscope- There is indeed a chance for you to get over your old relationships. It may seem a bit harder but in the end it’s all good! You may spend quality time with your family too.

Aries Health Horoscope –Stressed life is the biggest hurdle in health. It affects you both physically and mentally. Start doing yoga and meditation. You will feel better.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Taurus Career and Business Horoscope – All work no play, makes Jack a dull boy! As thr saying goes, it is high time when you need breaks in between your tight schedules. This will again enhance the work productivity and who knows, new ideas may pop up! You may attend overseas businesserial meetings which may land you a big offer!

Taurus Family and love Horoscope- Surprises come with a bit of magic and affection from near and dear ones. You may also get one! There is a high chance that you may get in touch with someone you have lost contact with over the years.

Taurus Health Horoscope- Your body might seem healthy from outside but has your mental health been alright? If no, then try doing some creative things that excites you the most. You will feel better.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Gemini Career and Business Horoscope – As new ideas bring new changes, it also becomes a bit harder as you need a new team to deal with it. Encourage your teammates. Appreciate their work. New entrepreneurs will find new investors too. For small businesses You may experience a lot of profit. Just check your weekly updates thoroughly.

Gemini Family and love Horoscope- Back to back family gatherings, meetings, events and get-togethers are on the cards. Romantic matters look dicey since a few breakups are on the cards, also miscommunication can happen among couples.

Gemini Health Horoscope- You can only focus on your work, if you are healthy. Just take out time to do meditation and exercise. Early morning walks can be okay too. A balance is needed in order to be peaceful in your life.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Cancer Career and Business Horoscope – A great closure is waiting for you this week. Be patient enough and continue your work. Don’t get pressurized. Teamwork is what is necessary now in order to complete the deal. Business meetings may keep you busy but find time to focus on what your consumers want.

Cancer Family and love Horoscope- What can you do if your partner remains silent during your hardships? Don’t think about it. Be strong. Eventually, everything will be okay! Spend more time with your dearest parents.

Cancer Health Horoscope-Time to embrace new dietary patterns. Habits such as adopting mindful eating and cleansing, will go a long way towards increasing stamina and energy, leading to higher levels of success.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

Leo Career and Business Horoscope – Challenges are likely to happen in any form. Just be prepared and focus on your loopholes. Get a thorough survey on weekly reports and focus on innovative ideas. Do what the consumer and your business partner want. After all, the only thing to expect is profit.

Leo Family and love Horoscope- Natives who are planning to take their relationship to the next level, this week is a favorable week for making commitment for a lifetime. The energies are aligned to support meaningful and lasting partnerships, and you will find yourself feeling ready to take an important step forward in relationship matters.

Leo Health Horoscope – Try to eat green leafy vegetables and focus on your diet. If you are losing weight then focus on carbs. Then, a little bit of exercise would do wonders.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Virgo Career and Business Horoscope – It is the right time to take your business to the next level. You may think of expanding it overseas too. Just prepare your strategy well enough to tackle any problems. One day you will shine. Those seeking jobs may end up getting interview calls.

Virgo Family and love Horoscope- In family as well as in love matters, it is mandatory to respect an individual. Step aside your fears. You need to communicate to clear all your misunderstandings. You can get help from counselors as well.

Virgo Health Horoscope- Be calm and meditate. Everything will be alright. Also, keep a diet chart on what you eat in a day. Lessen salt consumption.

Libra Weekly Horoscope

Libra Career and Business Horoscope – Dark days are over folks. It is time for you to shine. Grab this opportunity and impress your boss. Business Board members can find it hard to make crucial decisions. Do what your heart feels right. Female staff may experience some positive remarks from work.

Libra Family and love Horoscope-Your partner will clear your doubts and you will end up falling for each other again. Marital bliss is likely to happen. Parents and close friends may end up surprising you this week. It is all fun and happiness. Just be patient.

Libra Health Horoscope – How about alleviating your fast food consumption! How about alleviating your junk consumption! How about chucking binge drinking! Yes, all of these for your sound physical and for your sound mental health.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Scorpio Career and Business Horoscope – You may end up in a situation where there is a 50-50 chance of winning or losing. But stay focused and determined. Surely, huge opportunities may knock your doors. Business partners need to understand and support the ideas of their colleagues.

Scorpio Family and love Horoscope- Every now and then, boring life makes you redundant. To excite your love life, you may plan a romantic trip with your partner. It is all that you need. Family connections will get stronger.

Scorpio Health Horoscope-Healthy lifestyle is all what matters today. So, don’t overwork. Be a sport to take up yoga lessons to free your mind from unnecessary hustle.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Sagittarius Career and Business Horoscope – Try including new minds in the company as it is a technologically driven world. Feel free to accept their ideas. Connect socially. You may organise Business parties. Take your ideas and opinions and thoughts to the next level.

Sagittarius Family and love Horoscope – Enemity might get solved and you will develop empathy for your relatives. Spend some time with your lover and be focussed on them. Make your partner feel special.

Sagittarius Health Horoscope-Joint pain may bother elder members. Be prepared to see a doctor. Don’t neglect it. It may become worse. Stay away from fried items and check your blood pressure and sugar level.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Capricorn Career and Business Horoscope – It is an auspicious time for people seeking promotions as your head may consider your hard work. Try to work smarter and quicker in order to please your superior. Business endeavors will find new pace this week. Organize your team mates for this.

Capricorn Family and love Horoscope- Grandparents may seek your presence this week. Be affectionate to your elders. Spend quality time with them. For lovers, your significant other may surprise you with unexpected things.

Capricorn Health Horoscope- Avoid closing things late night as it may affect your sleep cycle. Finish off your work as early as possible. Eat clean food. Avoid alcohol and caffeine related items.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Aquarius Career and Business Horoscope- Responsibilities are huge to run an organization. Don’t do everything by yourself. Trust your colleagues. Demonstrate your plans and future endeavors to them. They will surely understand it and support you till the end. This week your turnover may be satisfactory.

Aquarius Family and love Horoscope- Old friends may end up making trips this week. Exciting family trips are likely to take place. For couples it is time for them to take a step further.

Aquarius Health Horoscope- You will try and manage to be regular in your fitness schedule. This week, you would be mentally strong and will not succumb to any culinary temptations.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Pisces Career and Business Horoscope- Convincing your boss may seem a bit tricky but trust yourself! You can do it, just by analyzing your plans and weekly targets. Who knows you may get an upgrade in your work. For small businesses, this week will give you a rollercoaster ride. But eventually, it will be better.

Pisces Family and love Horoscope- Someone is waiting for you to reply. Go ahead! Speak your heart out to your significant and special one. Family may play a crucial role too.

Pisces Health Horoscope- It’s just in your mind! So, stop overthinking about your office work. Do some cardio and a bit of yoga to be focussed and feel relaxed.

Celebrity Birthdays Of The Week

April 10 – Ayesha Takia
April 11- Mohit Suri
April 12- Bejoy Nambiar
April 13- Sunil Arora
April 14- Arun Manilal Gandhi
April 15- Mandira Bedi
April 16- Lara Dutta

Weekly Horoscope FAQs :

When was Lara Dutta born ?

16th April 1978

Who are the grandparents of Arun Manilal Gandhi ?

Mahatma Gandhi and Kasturba Gandhi

What is the zodiac sign of Mohit Suri?


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