Virgo Zodiac Sign

In Astrology, the sixth Rashi is Kanya (Virgo). The natives born on and between August 23 to September 22, belong to Virgo Sun Sign.

About Virgo : (August 23 – September 22)

In Astrology, the sixth Rashi is Kanya (Virgo). The natives born on and between August 23 to September 22, belong to Virgo Sun Sign.

“Virgo are residents of the hills, and are strong in the daytime. It rises with its head and has a medium build. It is a biped rashi and resides in the south. It has grains and fire in its hands. It belongs to the business community and is variegated. It relates to hurricanes (‘Prabharanjani’). It is a Virgin and is Tamasic (a disposition of demons). Its ruler is Buddha.”

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Budha (Mercury) is the ruler and Virgo is a dual, earthy female sign. As compared to Gemini, Budha’s qualities manifest very differently in an Earthy sign, as the excellent discriminative qualities of Budha are expressed in a more physical form. The result is an unsurpassed eye for details in practical matters. Budha is a neuter Graha, and Kanya is female, causing a rather tender combination.

The symbol for Kanya is a young woman, standing in a boat, holding wheat (or corn) and fire. This image symbolises an industrious but homely quality. Just like in the case of Mithuna (Gemini) the dual quality of the sign is reflected by having opposite elements in the symbol.

The Personality of a Virgo

People with a prominent Kanya will be somewhat shy, and have a soft, tender disposition. They are very good at organising and keeping track of details, and tend to worry more than necessary. They are likely to have practical skills, especially related to communication and information processing.