Libra Zodiac Sign
In Astrology, the seventh Rashi is Tula (Libra). The natives born on and between September 23 to October 22, belong to Libra Sun Sign.
About Libra : (September 23 – October 22)
In Astrology, the seventh Rashi is Tula (Libra). The natives born on and between September 23 to October 22, belong to Libra Sun Sign.
“Libra is a Seer Sahodaya rashi rising with its head; Libra is strong during daytime. It is black in complexion and is predominant with Rajo guna. It relates to the western direction and resorts to land. It is destructive or mischievous (‘Dhatin’).
It represents Sudras or the 4th Varna. It has a medium build physique and is a biped rashi. Its lord is Shukra.”
Shukra (Venus) is the ruler and Libra is a movable, airy and male sign. Venus is the graha for harmony and grace, and in this airy sign these qualities get expressed in more abstract forms.
The symbol of Libra is a man holding scales, symbolising an innate affinity with considering balance, proper relations and the harmonious exchange of things.
The Personality of a Libra
People with a prominent Libra will be easy to deal with due to their Venusian quality. The element of air gives an ability to easily sense other people’s nature, and Venus added to that makes for a great talent to create pleasant relationships. Such people will be good at maintaining a balance in the process of giving and taking, or they can use the same to their advantage in salesman type work.