There are times in life, when all of us hit a plateau. Well, at least most of us. Due to a variety of reasons, we can experience mental blocks in our personal and professional lives. The idea is not to mop about it. That’s exactly the time when we have to recheck our lives and ensure that we adopt ways to overcome our mental blocks, says a value accelerator Hirav Shah

What is a mental block?

You are in the thick of activity and lo and behold, your mind suddenly stops. The latest and most recent example is that of Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan. During his speech, he suddenly blacked out and found it hard to continue for a few moments.

This is a public example of having a mental block. But many of us experience it in our day to day lives, leaving us wondering about what struck us. In fact, a mental block is every professional’s nightmare or anyone’s nightmare for that matter. You could start off with great enthusiasm and gusto and get on a project. Things are fine till everything keeps falling into place. Then at one crucial moment, your mind hits a psychological wall.

Suddenly, you black out fearing failure after striving to put everything in place. On the other hand, there could be so much that needs to be done, that the very thought might feel daunting to you.

But the most important thing to remember is that it is very important to not get caught in the rut. Instead of powering these conflicting and complicated feelings, it is high time you looked for ways to get out of it and successfully out of it.

However, you could be part of a small and lucky minority that did not have a mental block. However, most others hit a plateau feeling stuck in their career, dealing with unfulfilled relationships or the everyday discontentment that comes with doing the same thing day and day out.

But the feeling of being trapped in a mental block is bound to be extremely frustrating and can adversely impact your personal and professional lives. You could be over analyzing or fill your plate up with things that lead to numerous responsibilities. So, once you realised you have a mental block, it is very important to understand the problem and take measures to make progress.

In most super hero films churned out by Hollywood, star characters such as Spider Man, Iron Man, Hulk, all suffer from mental blocks where they go into deep periods of retrospection. So is the case with Doctor Strange, the character played by Benedict Cumberbatch. In fact, there are times when the young and most popular wizard Harry Potter too experiences blocks and seeks the advice of his teachers at Hogwarts. And not to forget James Bond and Batman, both of whom are hit by mental blocks and take time off from active life to re energise and reboot themselves.

What causes mental blocks?

Well, the reasons could be varied, but all of them have the same impact:

a) A wide range of prescription and over-the-counter medications
b) Vitamin B12 deficiency
c) Lack of sleep
d) Decision fatigue: The mental exhaustion that is caused by having too many decisions to make.
e) Clutter: It has been said time and time again by medical professionals that working in a cluttered and chaotic environment can lead to production of cortisols in the body and this in turn can lead to anxiety.
f) Procrastination: Putting off simple to complex tasks can also lead to stress and anxiety that can make it difficult for people to take up or resume a project.
g) Then there is the dreaded imposter syndrome, where people fear of being discovered as being inefficient for a job. They have nagging fear that they are not cut out for a job. Former US president’s wife Michelle Obama confessed to feeling like an impostor, as did Neil Armstrong, the first man to land on the moon.

Quotes -Don’t let mental blocks control you

“Breaking Through Mental Blocks: Unleash Your Potential”

Mental blocks are obstacles that hinder creativity, productivity, and progress. They manifest as barriers to problem-solving or decision-making, limiting one’s ability to think clearly and perform at their best. Overcoming mental blocks is essential for unlocking one’s full potential and achieving success in various aspects of life.

To break through mental blocks, individuals can employ strategies such as mindfulness meditation, creative exercises, and cognitive reframing. By cultivating self-awareness, challenging limiting beliefs, and exploring alternative perspectives, they can dismantle mental barriers and expand their thinking.

Practice mindfulness meditation to quiet the mind and increase focus. Engage in creative activities such as journaling, brainstorming, or artistic expression to stimulate innovative thinking. Challenge negative self-talk and limiting beliefs by replacing them with positive affirmations and empowering thoughts. Seek support from mentors, coaches, or peers to gain new insights and perspectives on overcoming mental blocks. Consistently apply these strategies to overcome obstacles and unleash your full potential.

“Conquering Mental Blocks: Clearing the Path to Success”

Mental blocks can derail progress and hinder achievement if left unaddressed. They often stem from fear, self-doubt, or perfectionism, creating barriers to productivity and creativity. Overcoming mental blocks requires proactive efforts to identify and address underlying causes while cultivating a resilient mindset focused on growth and progress.

To conquer mental blocks, individuals can employ strategies such as goal setting, time management, and self-care. By breaking tasks into manageable steps, setting realistic expectations, and prioritizing self-care practices, they can reduce stress and enhance mental clarity, enabling them to overcome obstacles with greater ease.

Set clear, achievable goals that align with your values and aspirations. Break down larger tasks into smaller, actionable steps to reduce overwhelm and increase motivation. Practice time management techniques such as prioritization, scheduling, and delegation to optimize productivity and focus. Incorporate self-care practices such as exercise, relaxation techniques, and adequate rest to recharge and maintain mental well-being. Consistently apply these strategies to navigate challenges and stay on the path to success.

“Unlocking Potential: Strategies for Overcoming Mental Blocks”

Mental blocks can prevent individuals from tapping into their full potential and achieving their goals. Whether caused by stress, anxiety, or self-doubt, these barriers hinder creativity, problem-solving, and decision-making. Overcoming mental blocks requires implementing effective strategies to identify, address, and overcome the root causes while fostering a positive and resilient mindset.

To unlock potential and overcome mental blocks, individuals can employ strategies such as self-reflection, positive affirmations, and seeking support. By cultivating self-awareness, challenging negative thought patterns, and leveraging external resources, they can break free from mental barriers and unleash their innate talents and abilities.

Engage in regular self-reflection and introspection to identify underlying causes of mental blocks. Challenge negative thought patterns and self-limiting beliefs by replacing them with positive affirmations and empowering affirmations. Seek support from mentors, coaches, or therapists to gain insights and strategies for overcoming obstacles. Practice resilience-building techniques such as visualization, goal-setting, and mindfulness to foster a positive and resilient mindset. Consistently apply these strategies to overcome mental blocks and unlock your full potential.

“Navigating Mental Obstacles: Strategies for Success”

Mental obstacles, such as self-doubt, perfectionism, and fear of failure, can impede progress and hinder success. They create barriers to creativity, productivity, and innovation, limiting one’s ability to achieve desired goals. Navigating mental obstacles requires implementing effective strategies to overcome self-limiting beliefs, cultivate resilience, and foster a growth mindset focused on learning and progress.

To navigate mental obstacles and achieve success, individuals can employ strategies such as self-awareness, reframing, and self-compassion. By acknowledging and accepting their limitations, reframing challenges as opportunities for growth, and practicing self-compassion, they can overcome mental barriers and pursue their goals with confidence and determination.

Develop self-awareness by reflecting on thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that contribute to mental obstacles. Reframe challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, focusing on solutions rather than dwelling on setbacks. Practice self-compassion by treating oneself with kindness and understanding, especially during times of difficulty or failure. Seek support from mentors, peers, or mental health professionals to gain insights and strategies for overcoming mental obstacles. Consistently apply these strategies to navigate challenges and achieve success in various aspects of life.

“Mastering the Mind: Strategies for Overcoming Mental Blocks”

Mental blocks are common barriers that inhibit creativity, productivity, and problem-solving. They often arise from negative thought patterns, limiting beliefs, or external stressors, hindering individuals from reaching their full potential. Mastering the mind requires implementing effective strategies to identify, address, and overcome mental blocks, enabling individuals to unleash

Tips on How to Overcome Mental Blocks

Take control of your situation: Like we mentioned above, mental fatigue is hitting a plateau when mind, body and emotions come to a standstill. So, to regain the momentum, it is necessary that you harmonize your mind and body to reach your peak state. And activity need not be big or huge. All you need to do is take a small step to break the mental block. Declutter, bring in clarity and use them to unblock your thinking.

Focus on the present: Understand that it’s all about mind over matter. If you are experiencing a mental block, then there is something that is bothering you from the past. Or it could be concern regarding the future and you tend to be so overwhelmed that it leads to a mental block. To give yourself some traction, sit down and think about your present moment. Focus on your breathing till you calm down. It is from such a peaceful state that you can think more clearly and proactively to solve problems, both professional and personal.

Lookout for signs of a breakthrough: Often in life, you reach a point when you begin to feel enough is enough. In fact, the more frustrated you feel, the more you end up being closer to a breakthrough. If you feel vague and are full of discontentment, something’s gotta give. You reach a point where you have had enough. It is at this point, remember, that it is rather normal to feel this way. The time to grow and evolve has come. These are the signals of breakthrough.

It’s time to reprogram your mind: The first and the most important step here is to simply try and reprogram your mind. At this point, you will have the focus to develop a sense of mindfulness. At this stage, jot down exactly what you are feeling and thinking. If self-limiting beliefs pop up in your mind, immediately replace them with empowering beliefs. Visualise where you want to head towards in life and surround yourself with people and environment conducive to that goal.

Avoid clutter, calm your mind: Like mentioned above, a cluttered mind can be detrimental to your mental well-being and can lead to mental exhaustion. Environment is more than just physical surroundings. The sounds, people and activities you are surrounded by on a daily basis can also impact your performance. If you have less sleep or lack enough sleep, it could mean fatigue. Similarly, having too much to do on your plate and setting oneself to high, impossible standards can also lead to mental blocks. So, to beat mental exhaustion, start with taking simple steps and tasks. Be organized and declutter your surroundings. Make a schedule to work upon. Learn to delegate and adjust workplace priorities for maximum efficiency. In short, the point is, if and when you take control of your environment, you will be able to get rid of mental blocks.


In the journey of overcoming mental blocks and regaining momentum, it’s crucial to take proactive steps to harmonize the mind and body, focus on the present moment, and recognize signs of breakthrough. Reprogramming the mind, cultivating mindfulness, and surrounding oneself with supportive environments are key strategies to navigate through mental fatigue and unlock potential. By decluttering the mind, calming thoughts, and prioritizing self-care, individuals can overcome obstacles and achieve peak performance.

Remember, in this pursuit of mental wellness and personal growth, Hirav Shah, the innovator of Astro Strategy, Brand Builder, Validation Expert, International Bestselling Author, and Astro Strategist, advocates for taking control of one’s environment and mindset. By implementing strategies that promote clarity, mindfulness, and effective decision-making, individuals can break free from mental blocks and unleash their full potential in both personal and professional endeavors.