Years 2020 and 2021 were literally tests of our resilience, of how we handle challenges, of how to utilize opportunities, of how to counter threats and also about how to be a winner…

On that note, Astro-Strategist Hirav Shah, the name behind so many successful brands, provides some invaluable tips to help become a winner and the best leader even in the most uncomfortable and challenging situations.

1. Succeed in new territory:New territory means discomfort. Right !

In new territory, you have to face new risks or fear since you have to solve new problems. Humans have evolved to enjoy comfort to help keep alive — if you’re constantly venturing into the unknown, there’s more chance of you facing challenges.

But you don’t live in the Stone Age anymore. Public humiliation and difficult board meetings might be unpleasant, but they won’t kill you.

Seeking discomfort is the cent per cent solution, but how exactly can you do it?

Here are a few ways outlined by Veteran Business Astrologer & Astro-Strategist Hirav Shah.

a. Modify your everyday routine in a subtle manner. For example, you can modify the way you travel to work or the food you eat for breakfast or lunch.

b. Meet newbies. Meet new people. Be people friendly. Even if you’re always meeting new people through your job, chances are that they’re quite similar, so branch out from the norm. Please do.

c. New skills to be learned. Doesn’t matter what the skill is as long as it’s new — it could be a foreign language or learning how to code.

All of these, mentioned above, might sound irrelevant to your role as a business leader, but try to envision… This is all about rewiring your brain so that facing the untold and the unknown, no longer scares you-Trust it’s now understood !!

2. Hone your leadership in uneven territories

Try joining a new professional group or volunteering organization to practice flexing your leadership skills in a new set-up. Basically, the whole thing is to know how easily your leadership abilities adapt !!

3. Try switching places with others

Getting out of your comfort zone is the best thing you could do as an entrepreneur. If you’re the founder, you probably have a more dynamic and varied work life than most — but in most cases, you’ll still have a clearly defined set of duties and responsibilities.

To learn more about the issues and strengths of your business while also navigating a new environment, you got to do this. You got to get out of your comfort zone.

One of the best things to do would be switching places with your employees or managers of certain departments.Yes, this technique certainly works.

4. Don’t run away from disputes and disagreements

Except for a few, most people don’t like disputes and disagreements. Most people avoid conflicts.

It’s distasteful and takes time, energy and effort to sort out, so it’s easy to make excuses to deal with the issue, later down the line.

Exercise being a discomfort-seeking leader by finding out and raising potential issues with people in your life, before they develop further.

Final Thoughts

The kind of leadership that inspires others, entrepreneurs crave for that.

There are many bumps on the path of leadership. Sometimes there are roadblocks. Sometimes there are other hurdles. Sometimes the bridge is out entirely.

But every challenge is an opportunity. It’s a chance to learn about yourself, improve your skills and strengthen your emotional intelligence by leaving your comfort zone as and when required, that’s so critical to a super-effective leadership- Hirav Shah Concludes.