America’s one true superhero without a cape, Abraham Lincoln, was a man of many wonders. He was an excellent leader, an exemplary lawyer, and a celebrated public figure; words would fail me if I started describing a great many accolades of America’s 16th president Abraham Lincoln.

About Abraham Lincoln

Born on 12 February 1809, in Larue County, Kentucky, United States, nobody envisioned that the 6ft 4 slender giant would one day abolish slavery.

Abraham Lincoln’s Life

Lincoln was born into poverty in a log cabin in Kentucky and was raised in Indiana. He was self-educated and became a lawyer, Whig Party leader, Illinois state legislator, and U.S. Congressman from Illinois. Later he went on to become the 16th president of America in 1861. He successfully led the United States through its darkest hour, the American Civil War, proving yet again his superior leadership skills.

During his time at the white house, Lincoln introduced measures that actively abolished slavery, including the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 and the passing of the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Horoscope of Abraham Lincoln

Date of Birth of Abraham Lincoln 12 February 1809
Place of Birth of Abraham Lincoln Larue County, Kentucky, United States
Zodiac Sign of Abraham Lincoln Aquarius
Birth Number of Abraham Lincoln 3 ruled by Jupiter
Destiny Number of Abraham Lincoln 5 ruled by Mercury


Timeless lessons from Abraham Lincoln :

A man worshipped by many for his precocious leadership ability, eminent Astro strategist and business development expert presents, 3- major life lessons that Abraham Lincoln has taught us:

1. Calculate before committing

Lincoln had once said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four hours sharpening the axe.” This quote essentially tells us to calculate the risks and profit before committing to a task. When Lincoln was an unknown attorney in the backwoods of Illinois, his next step was always planned. When Lincoln became the state senator, he was already preparing to be the President of the United States.

2. Don’t accept defeat before trying

Growing up, Lincoln had little means to educate himself; he was born and brought up in a small cabin, so, naturally, he had no access to books. All that was available to him was a bible and the works of Shakespeare; those two books couldn’t help him attain good education in any way, but Lincoln didn’t let this impale his zeal to learn. He read those two books over and over again until he became familiar with their grammar and diction. At that time, Lincoln could have accepted his fate; but he didn’t, he self-taught himself and persevered to get ahead in life. I call that true dedication and a lesson to learn by future entrepreneurs.

3. Never stop learning

even when you are at the pinnacle of success, don’t forget to wind down the self-satisfaction and stay humble. You can never be successful enough or rich enough to stop learning. If you think that you have it all and stop learning, then within 10-years, someone younger and wiser than you will overtake your empire. Lincoln’s humility and willingness to change, learn, moderate, and grow are something to be admired and looked up to.

Abraham Lincoln’s Quotes & Speeches

Abraham Lincoln Quote

More than anything Lincoln was an extraordinary orator and motivator. Some of his famous sayings include,

“Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be,”
“My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God’s side, for God is always right.”

Movies on Abraham Lincoln’s Life

Abraham Lincoln Citizens United

Several movies have been dedicated to the life of Abraham Lincoln. Some of them are listed below:

1- Killing Lincoln (2013):

The movie is based on New York Times best-selling novel, Killing Lincoln. The story deals with many shocking events that surrounded the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
2- The Day Lincoln Was Shot (1988): The movie focuses on the minute by minute account of April 14, 1865, the day President Lincoln was shot. The film chronicles every movement of both, the president and the assassin John Wilkes Booth on the day of the assassination.

3- Young Mr Lincoln(1938):

Starring Henry Fonda as President Abraham Lincoln, this movie deals with some of the most important events in Lincoln’s life. It also presents the audience with the reason behind Abraham’s involvement in politics.

4- Saving Lincoln( 2013):

Director Salvador Litvak in the film tries to explore personal relations between the President and his long-time friend and bodyguard U. S. Marshal Ward Hill Lamon.

5- Lincoln( 2012):

This Steven Spielberg directorial primarily focuses on the last months of President Abraham Lincoln’s life as he fought an inner battle of consciousness and responsibility. This movie went to receive multiple awards and was critically acclaimed.

Abraham Lincoln Assassination

Abraham Lincoln Friends

Unfortunately, Lincoln met a tragic end on 15 April 1865 when he was assassinated just six days after a large-scale surrender of the Confederate forces.

He was assassinated by well-known stage actor John Wilkes Booth while attending the play Our American Cousin at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C.

Abraham Lincoln’s Legacy

I would rather be a little nobody than to be an evil somebody.” — Abraham Lincoln.

Even after centuries of his demise, Lincoln is remembered as a pioneer and revolutionary.

History left behind damning proof of how good of a leader Lincoln was. Devoid of any selfish intention and full of compassion, Lincoln was the true definition of a liberal leader. He was the epitome and goodness and disciplined living.

I am sure the world would have learned a lot from him, had he not been taken cruelly from this world. No matter what we think, Lincoln has left undeniable prints in the world and for good- concludes Business coach Hirav Shah.