Sunlight is the ultimate source of energy for all beings in the world. It is an important part of the biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem. It is responsible for the continuation of life on earth.

What is Sunlight ?

Sunlight is the light and energy that comes from the Sun.

If someday the energy of the sun drains out, then there will be doomsday on earth. It is responsible for weather events and climatic changes on earth. Plants and trees perform photosynthesis, which is why life on earth thrives. Food is grown on soil and aquatic fauna like phytoplanktons sustain, which is the first stage of trophic level of the ecosystem.

Reptiles like snakes come out in the sun to bask, in order to raise the temperature of their skin to be active all day. Most animal life hunts and prey during the day, apart from nocturnal animals. The food we eat has energy transferred in joules from sunlight. In this way, we derive energy indirectly from sunlight.

Health Benefits of Sunlight

People with low level exposure to sunlight suffer from lack of vitamin D resulting in soft and brittle bones in children and osteoporosis in adults. It is responsible for the balance of hormones in humans as it produces serotonin, important for mental well-being. Lack of serotonin hormone causes depression in humans.

People having melanin also get benefitted from it. It prevents cancer causing agents in skin.

Low levels of sunlight can cause various types of cancer like colon, prostate cancer.

People have experienced health benefits by sitting all day soaking in sunlight. Sun Rays in the early morning are more beneficial than noon. It is advisable to sit in early morning or do some yoga and exercise for maximizing its utility.

Hirav Shah also adds here that-It can help cure skin problems like acne, eczema and psoriasis. It improves sleep quality by stabilizing melatonin hormone, preventing depression and anxiety. It boosts metabolism, which lowers the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.


From treating skin conditions to improving mood, sunlight is known to have immense benefits. If you happen to live in higher latitudes with little sunlight, a light box can provide some of its mood-boosting assistance.

Meanwhile, more exposure to sun rays causes increased melanin in the skin , causing darker skin. People with less melanin cannot endure sunlight as it may cause inflammatory conditions in them.

So, it is necessary to maintain balance on the exposure of sunlight to get maximum benefit from it-Concludes Hirav Shah.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sunlight gives which vitamin ?

Exposure to the sun’s rays causes a person’s skin to create vitamin D.

Does sunlight help in bone health?

Yes, exposure to sunlight for 39 mins can help in building stronger bones.

Can sunlight exposure treat skin conditions?

20 to 30 mins of exposure to UV radiation can treat psoriasis, eczema, jaundice, and acne.

Can sunlight help in mood enhancement ?

Indeed, a bit of sunlight is known to improve mood and there is plenty of published evidence already on this one.