No doubt the most important meal of the day, breakfast, serves many purposes from energizing us for the day ahead, stimulating the brain, and kick-starting metabolism.

Eating breakfast in the morning is good for blood sugar level management, especially for diabetic natives, who are often at risk of fluctuations in blood glucose levels. There are many things you can just try at home Earlier, I’ve explained best and must try snack recipes at home.
There is plenty of research which shows that, people with various illnesses like cardiac ailments, hypertension etc…who take breakfast regularly, are less likely to overeat throughout the day, thereby benefiting their health“-Opines Hirav Shah, Business Transformation Expert.


Power of protein

Dals, nuts, milk products, soy, seeds, eggs, chicken, or fish help with muscle health. They also help in better sugar control and satiety. It also ensures fullness and nourishment as well.

Insoluble fibres

Insoluble fibre from the skin of fruits and vegetables we consume play a significant role in the management of different diseases including diabetes. Explaining the role of insoluble fibres on the insulin hormones, Hirav Shah says, “insoluble fibre will increase the foods’ transit time in the gut, which causes a slow release of the sugar in the bloodstream helping in slow release of the insulin hormone.

Good fats

Good fats are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Nuts like almonds and walnuts or seeds like flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, melon seeds are super rich sources of good fats. Coconut oil is high in MCT and helps in weight and blood pressure management.

Below mentioned are Hirav Shah’s pick for breakfast choices for management of various diseases.

Hirav Shah’s pick for breakfast choices

  • 2 Methi paratha + 1 cup low fat curds + 2 tbsp flax seeds chutney
  • Mango 1 cup + curds 1 cup/almond milk 1 cup + chia seeds 1 tbsp + 3-4 spinach leaves
  • Eggs 1 no + millet roti/phulka 1 no + 1 bowl of fruit
  • Mix and match of good fats, insoluble fibres and protein, but in moderation. Only in moderation, remember…

Final Thoughts

Breakfast is a superb time to get the much-needed nutrition into your diet, including vitamins and fiber that get you through the entire day. So, skipping this most important meal may cause you to not consume adequate amounts of them, contributing to short term and long-term health effects as a result. Always think of your present condition. How are you today? How are you feeling today? good or bad, high or low. Anyway, always keep in mind, good food fixes a bad mood.

Hirav Shah’s advice? “Find what is working best for you,“-Suggests Hirav.

Everyone is unique. Everyone is different. If you aren’t feeling hungry right away in the morning post getting up, wait an hour or two, before munching on some stuff for breakfast“- Concludes Hirav Shah, Business Enhancement Leader.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the most important meal of the day ?


Should breakfast be missed ?

Breakfast should never ever be missed, no matter what !!

Should breakfast be heavy ?

It’s nothing like that… Breakfast should ideally be nutritious and not really heavy.

What is the ideal breakfast timing?

Between 7 am to 9 am, or within two hours of getting up.