Most people do not prioritize self-care, as they say they do not have the required time for it. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Self-care does not have to be elaborate, time-consuming, or expensive. It could be as simple as the ones mentioned below by India’s Leading Business Enhancement Expert Hirav Shah.

Practice Self Care- Five Wonderful Ways

1. Develop A Solid Morning Routine

To roll out of bed and attend that morning meeting is the easy way out. But is it how you want to begin your day? Like really !

How your morning’s start can set the tone for how the rest of the day will unfold. One of the most effective ways is to develop a solid morning routine. It allows you to spend more time with yourself.

You can just start by getting freshened up, intentions setting, oil pulling, engaging in morning breathing exercises, meditation, or just soaking in the sun and enjoying your cup of tea. Please find out what works for you and follow it with consistency.

2. Your Day Needs To Be Organized

For various activities that you want to accomplish for that day, grab a notepad and pen and get down to budgeting your time.

For most people, the biggest roadblock is lack of organization, which can cause any day to spiral out of the hands. Also, while you are at it, never forget to allocate time to yourself too. This will aid to prioritize what is crucial and put what isn’t on the backburner. Run your day like a boss.

3. Recite Affirmations

History says, “The power of life and death lies in the tongue”. Meaning, words are so powerful that they can either build you or destroy you. If you think you are undeserving, it is how you will feel.

On the other hand, if you affirm you are intelligent and confident, then that is how you will be. Negative self-talk can be immensely self-limiting, whereas positive affirmations have great power. You can use this gift to help you grow in every area of life; health, recovery, prevention, personal growth, wealth, relationships, or career.

Affirmations reprogram your subconscious mind into thinking positively, resulting in a positive effect on your body too, when said with conviction and deep belief persistently.

4. Offer Gratitude

A few ways of offering gratitude are: Simply thanking someone, writing a gratitude note or an email to someone expressing your appreciation of their impact on your life, writing three things you were grateful for during the day before you pack off to sleep. It will shift your mind from a stressful state to a state of calm and peace.

Bless and offer gratitude before sitting down for a meal. The energy of your meal will be changed.

5. Listen To Music

Science backs this claim that music has the power to heal, and a scientific study also inferred that music listeners have higher natural killer cells that attack infected cells.

In a nutshell, music helps to enhance cognitive capabilities, help meditation to deepen, promote mindful eating, ease stress and promote relaxation.

Final Thoughts

Self-care should not add stress to your life. So, keep it simple, inexpensive and sustainable. Noted Business Transformation Leader Hirav Shah hopes these simple steps can help you achieve your true self-care goals.