In order to secure a comfortable future for yourself, it’s important to be willing to take uncomfortable actions in the present. This might mean stepping outside of your comfort zone, taking risks, or making sacrifices in the short-term. But by doing so, you can set yourself up for long-term success and happiness. Remember, growth and progress often require discomfort, so don’t be afraid to embrace it!

The Importance of Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

Fear is a natural and essential part of growth. Every time we consciously choose to step outside our comfort zone, the next uncomfortable thing becomes a little easier. Recently the very famous and celebrated Astro Strategist cum Business Astrologer Hirav Shah was asked if a person should come out of his/her comfort zone to make a growth in their personality, well-being, and even professionally?

As everyone knows Hirav Shah is making India and Indian proud across the globe providing people with the unique blend of strategic support, moral support, and astrological support which differentiates him from the other usual astrologers and which gives his followers a triple thread of support. He is also an exceptional Motivational Speaker.

Hirav Shah strongly believes that staying in one’s comfort zone can hinder personal growth. In his guide, he explains why it’s crucial to step out of this zone. He defines the comfort zone as a state where one is content with a miserable life and avoids new experiences or opportunities for growth. However, Shah emphasizes that to achieve success in life, one must break free from this zone and embrace new challenges.

Hirav Shah Tells How to Escape Your Comfort Zone

Begin with looking for new opportunities that will provide you a chance to experience something different and new in life. These encounters will help give you a new perspective on life. Once you start to look at things from a fresh perspective, it will also be easier for you to break your old habits.

I know that getting out of your comfort zone is not an easy thing. It will leave you tired and tired at first. But, with time, you may realize it was worth all the effort. “Look into your past and believe just how many times things went well despite your self-doubts. You’ll notice that the majority of the times, nothing negative actually happened, no matter how much you really dreaded it. So it’s actually important that you escape your comfort zone and forgo your own self-doubts” So, the longer you place, the more rewarding and enriching your life will end up.

I feel that people who reside within their comfort zone Can’t grow in life. Despite being discontent with their life and things about them, they refuse to take any actions to increase their condition. It is as if you are living a meaningless life that has nothing to look forward to. Therefore, it is your choice to make a selection. Either you can choose to live an easy and routine life, or break up your comfort zone and take risks to indicate your personal or professional growth.”

See the Possibilities in the Impossible

In order to Escape your comfort zone, then you will have to push yourself harder. You will need to try items that right now seem impossible for you to experience or reach. In my opinion, it is discomfort that helps push your own boundaries and compels you to grow and change.

Start With Setting Small Goals

Remember, your dreams are a higher priority, than anything you start putting first. One of the biggest reasons why people develop a fear of failure is because of setting impractical life goals. Setting life goals is great, but your goals should not become a reason for stopping you from moving ahead in life. So, I always start by setting small goals in life. Goals that will not just help challenge me from time to time, but also give me confidence in your own abilities. It is these small goals that will be the stepping stones to pave a way for your biggest ambitions in life. I feel that sometimes you need to keep the end results aside. Instead, you should focus on the little things you can do in the present to fulfill your life goals.

Right when you remove the fear of failure from your mind, life will welcome you with many fruitful opportunities and learning experiences. “Only once you start embracing challenges that life throws at you, your journey towards your goals will begin”

Change Your Definition of Success & Failure

Another thing that can help give back control over your life according to me is your own perspective on success and failure. You seriously need to break away from the stereotypical definitions of success and failure. You must find meaning in your personal growth and individual journey. “Most of the time, we are afraid of failing because of our own preconceived notions about a certain situation or challenge”. Somehow, we develop a fixed perception of the idea of success and failures. So, each time something doesn’t go as you had planned or imagined you think to have failed in your attempts. Whereas;

In the truest sense of the word, success is less about what you achieve and more about what you learn as a person.”

Final Word

In concluding the discussion, Hirav Shah says, “It will seem terrifying at first to get out of your comfort zone. But as I said, you don’t need to jump right out of your comfort zone at once, you can take baby steps gradually.

As you slowly push past your comfort zone, you’ll feel more and more at ease about the new stuff which seemed so dangerous to you.

Take the first step, and I’m sure you’ll make it!”

Hirav Shah concludes with his favorite quote:

“Take uncomfortable actions to make your future comfortable”.