In order to promote our product and reach out to a wider section of the customers, any business organization should have its own website. To communicate with customers and to upload the complete data for a firm/company, having a website is a must, says famous Astro and business strategist Hirav Shah.

Most importantly, a website is a very useful source for small snd medium range businesses because it gives us the opportunity to reach out to customers and maintain a friendly relationship with them.

In the general scenario, people do not know where to find information or on whom to depend, when they want to know information to regain something. In that case, they usually vote for online dates and any website is available based on the searching data, the customers get a chance to reach the owner/firm, opinions Hirav Shah.

How to promote a business website

To promote our website there is no need to hire any professional SEO, all we need to do is upload the right content on the site and promote it with powerful keywords and catchy hashtags on social media platforms.

If there is authenticity in our content, the page traffic will come automatically and helps to promote our content across netizens.

Once after gaining momentum on social media promotions, we can go for paid promotions, if needed, opines Hirav Shah.


The common question we usually get from the customers end regarding the reputation of our firm/ business. Leaving aside the already popular brands/products in the market, reputation question raises for start-up and small business companies. In this situation, we should promote our product on the website aggressively and create trust among the public.

By gaining trust, the viewership for our website will increase which indeed helps as a promotional platform for our product.

How to maintain loyalty with customers

By setting up a 24/7 online portal and clarifying every minute doubt of the customers on our website, we can win the hearts of our customers, says Hirav Shah.

The website should give an impressive feel and make them comfortable with all the information they need. In case, they are not happy with the data provided on the website, the complaint or suggestion box will be available to give feedback.

Based on the majority feedback, the corrections on the website or regarding our product should be done to win loyalty with our customers.

Powerful and aggressive marketing

A website is a powerful and aggressive marketing source to promote our product. Along with marketing, we should be ready to provide flexible services to attract customers.

To break the chain of seasonal companies and emerge as a winner in the market one should focus on the customer satisfying things like giving offers or come up with some innovative ideas, says Hirav Shah.