Podcasts are an intimate medium, imagine plugging in your earphones, closing your eyes and listening to a voice that guides you in a world, fiction or nonfiction, that you can’t see but is surrounding you from every direction- Tells Hirav Shah, Prolific Business Enhancement Expert and Advisor.

It’s another kind of experience, way different from any visual content. Go Podcast. Go productive !!

10 Explanations To Tune Into A Podcast

1.Break From Screens

Break From Screens

Podcasts can give a break from screens. With podcasts you just have to sit back and relax.

2. Educational

Podcasts have educated many on a lot of different viewpoints. Podcasts can indeed educate you on a lot of different experiences that are different from the generalized clichéd view.

3. Trust

Usually content on all other media forms are faux. With podcasts, you can have trust in the medium. You can avoid the bias of mainstream media.

4. Helps You Perform Different Tasks


You can consume podcasts while working on something else which helps you multitask.

5. Storyteller

If you love storytelling then, podcasts are one of the best mediums to consume stories and other types of content.

6. Niche

Podcasts are so niche that you can find anything at any time to tune into. Because of how niche it is, you will always feel like it is made for you specially. If you know how to find the right podcast to listen to, you are in for a treat.

7. Time Utilization

You can have maximum productive utilization of your time.Whenever you are stuck in traffic or at a place where you only have the access to listen to something, there you go – podcast! Understood !!

8. Specific

Podcasts have a specific domain and target audience. Yes… In radio or YouTube there are millions of things for ‘everyone’ but if you are looking for something specific, there are podcasts for almost all topics in the world now! Go-podcast !

9. Access

Podcasts are easy to access anywhere, anytime . Some merits are- “No bandwidth issue, no video screen getting switched off, no wait time to download. Listen anywhere, anytime”. So, Go-podcast !

10. Ultimate Solution

If you love to learn but don’t like reading, then Podcast is your ultimate solution to this problem of yours! Hence, Go-podcast!

Final Thoughts

One of the biggest benefits is that it’s better than scrolling through other unnecessary things in your spare time.

You can also listen to it while relaxing. You do not need to hold the phone all the time. And it is good for the eyes too.

You can understand emotions only through sound in podcasts, not by seeing people’s tears or helpless mouths. That is truth about emotions & decisions in life.

Intimate connection is something you always experience listening to a podcast. This might sound strange, but see it for yourself—when you are listening to someone, especially through earphones, you connect so intimately with that person’s story, and it helps you to practice deep listening. And even to understand fast and learn more easily.

Lastly, podcasts are useful in enhancing your imagination. And imagination can lead to “productivity”- Concludes Hirav Shah, Noted Business Strategist and Veteran Business Transformation Expert.