Happiness lies in enjoying the little things around us rather than running for big things to happen. To have a truly happy, peaceful existence, however, it is necessary to find happiness in little things. Pause and recognize this moment. Think about the way you feel, the things that surround you, the world you have created for yourself.

Find happiness in the little things around us

Find happiness in the little things around us

We as humans can find happiness in the little things around us. So, considering the context, now we bring you a few simple ways to feel the bliss in smaller things or moments in life.

As said by veteran Astro Strategist cum Business Transformation Expert Hirav Shah, “Sometimes when I consider what tremendous consequences come from little things, I am tempted to think there are no little things.” this gives a clear-cut idea about many little things around us.

Hirav Shah says, “To provide a luxurious life to our loved ones, all of us will be working round the clock, some even staying away from our families and going to any extent to provide security to our families. Amid all this hustle and target-oriented lives, we ignore finding happiness in the little things around us.

Why are children happier than most adults?

Why are children happier than most adults?

Shah explains that if we go on a wide range of studies and ever ask an average aged adult where they see themselves in the next five to ten years from now, then what would be a general answer? Most of them end up saying to lead a more luxurious lifestyle or be promoted to a higher position at the workplace. But if the same question is asked to a kid, they would certainly answer saying they want to go out and play or learn any new instrument they saw at school during the school timings.

Have you ever noticed how your parents’ faces glow when you get them a present or gift? Many may assume that it’s because we brought them a gift, but the actual fact is that it is not because you got them a present, it’s because you took time to think about them and brought something.

Taking out time for yourself between your packed schedule and listening to your favorite artist’s song while watching the sunset can bring a great amount of happiness to you. But the question is, when will you do it for the last time?

Hirav Shah says, “Nowadays, we get up early in the morning, not to feel the fresh breeze but to check our phones and work emails. But it is no surprise that we take all of these things for granted as all of us are grappled by the spell of capitalism which disables us to build deeper connections with ourselves. Amidst our fast-paced and hurried lives, rare are the moments we feel at peace and content with ourselves, and these little things and small victories make these moments not so rare. If possible, try and capture those moments. Many of us wish to do some kind of activity but end up with excuses. Generally, we find happiness in simple things, and we bring you four easy ways that can help bring happiness to little things.”

Find Happiness – In Not comparing ourselves with others

Find Happiness - In Not comparing ourselves with others

It’s human to be affected by people around us but letting other people’s achievements demotivate us can harm our constant growth. So instead of spending time comparing your progress and growth with others, devote that time and pay attention to your own work, due to which you can achieve more in life.

Do not compare your journey with others

Do not compare

Learn, how to embrace sporty behavior in everyday. Life Loving and being happy with yourself and your achievements can be difficult when we live in a society where we are conditioned to focus more on others than ourselves. Still, once we start focusing on ourselves, nothing can stop us from being content and happy with ourselves and finding the little things we love about ourselves and around ourselves.

Find Happiness- By practicing mindfulness

A lot of people may find happiness only when they achieve something big. But give it a thought, are these huge achievements the result of a single big effort? or are they an outcome of the little steps you took towards your goal?

In our hustle to achieve something big, we miss the little victories. When you don’t lose yourself in the hustle but enjoy the hustle, it’s when you can feel the peace amidst the hustle, and it is the real victory. To believe in ourselves in these situations requires us to build deeper connections with ourselves which means believing in our inner selves. This is where practicing mindfulness can help. It helps you establish a connection with your deeper selves the more it helps for your mental relaxation.

Benefits of trying new hobbies

With so much work and so many deadlines, we often avoid doing things that make us happy. Trying out new hobbies helps us relax and opens new doors of self-exploration.

Hobbies may sound like little things we do to pass the time but are an artistic way to express ourselves and reflect upon our emotions. The aim is not to excel in that hobby or activity but to find our peace of mind, say recent studies.

Being grateful for what you have is finding Happiness

Being grateful for what you have, for the air you breathe, sunlight that shines upon you, the moonlight that falls upon you brings an instant smile to your face. Be grateful for your parents, your friends, and your work. Feel this contentment of finding happiness of just being with the people you love or doing the things you enjoy, the little things.


Hirav Shah concludes by saying, “Who doesn’t want to experience success in business?⁣
But are you truly doing the right things to get there? ⁣⁣
Can you honestly say that you are taking ACTION on your goals? ⁣⁣
If you hesitated AT ALL answering any of those questions, you need to shift your focus to doing what’s necessary to get the success you desire…⁣⁣
Without an actionable strategy, NOTHING is possible. ⁣
With Astro Strategy, EVERYTHING is possible.⁣⁣
So plant the seeds now for your future, and focus on investing energy in the habits that will create the results you want.⁣⁣
NOW is the time to do what you have wanted to do. Don’t procrastinate and rob yourself of a more exciting future…⁣⁣
What ONE goal will you focus on?
Any confusion or difficult YES/NO Business decision requires an expert opinion.”

Just make sure your business strategy in terms of Brand, Sales, Marketing, Advertising, Mergers, Diversification, etc.… is still on track to reach your goals. International Best Selling Author Hirav Shah’s answers have proven to be game-changers.

It’s time to fire up your future!!