Being humble is by far the greatest one, as far as virtues go-Opines Hirav Shah, India’s Most Recognized Business Transformation Expert.

The majority of people fail to understand a simple thing and that is being humble, more often than not, is a good thing, rather than a deficiency or rather than a shortcoming…

To respect the relationships and the people in your life-This is what, to be humble, primarily means.

On this planet, everyone is a competition for everyone. But no matter how many identical things we go through, we are all non-identical. There are pompous and pretentious people who do not care for any damn person but themselves. These people may get respect, but only from people similar to them or those who fear them. The exact opposite are the humble people.

Regardless of how much they succeed, humble folks still have a moral compass, making the rest of us optimistic that not all the “big fish” are arrogant and patronizing.

Speaking of ways, Hirav Shah believes, can help you to improve the humility in your soul, here’s what Hirav suggests… 3 Ways to change yourself and follow a path of humbleness

1. Ask For Opinion

Feedback…Ask for it. When you ask others what they think, they feel their opinion is valued.

And in reality, there is no greater feeling than that. Asking for feedback means healthy connection and healthy communication – something all humble people master. Others may spot something you have missed, and giving them an opportunity to tell you whether something is good or not, initiates only positive emotions about your own personality.

2. Show Gratitude

Be grateful. You will never become humble if you don’t start valuing the things you have. You will never become humble if you don’t begin appreciating the things you have.

No matter how much you have, always make sure you show gratitude. You are blessed to be breathing and to be doing what you are doing, so respect that and don’t ever forget that.

Spend a few minutes every morning thinking of all the things you are grateful for, such as a lovable family, home, wonderful parents, business opportunities. Leave finances aside and out of the picture. Imagine and think what matters and do not take that for granted…

3. Accept That You Don’t Know Everything

Accept that you don’t know everything. Admit that you don’t know each and everything.

You can actually say “I don’t know” when you really don’t, and not have folks staring at you with disgust? Did you know that !!

Now, get these simple things done. Well, you can, and you should. Admitting you do not know something or that you don’t know how to do something does not make you a “not great” employer or a “not great” employee. It makes you courageous and practical-Something humble people almost often are.

Staying humble quotes

1.”Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.” – C.S. Lewis
This quote reminds us that humility is not about diminishing our self-worth, but rather shifting our focus away from ourselves and towards others.

2. “The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes.” – Winston Churchill
This quote reminds us that no one is perfect and that we can always learn from others, even those we may consider foolish.

3. “True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.” – Rick Warren
Similar to the first quote, this one emphasizes that humility is not about diminishing ourselves, but rather shifting our focus away from ourselves and towards others.

4. “Humility is the foundation of all virtues.” – Confucius
This quote reminds us that humility is not just one virtue among many, but rather the foundation upon which all other virtues are built.

5. “Humility is not a weak or timid quality; it must be carefully cultivated and defended.” – Margaret Thatcher
This quote reminds us that humility is not a sign of weakness, but rather a strength that must be actively cultivated and protected.

6. “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less often.” – Unknown
This quote emphasizes the importance of shifting our focus away from ourselves and towards others, which is a key aspect of humility.

7. “Humility is the only true wisdom by which we prepare our minds for all the possible changes of life.” – George Arliss
This quote reminds us that humility is not just a virtue, but a practical tool for navigating the ups and downs of life. By staying humble, we can better prepare ourselves for whatever challenges may come our way.

Who is a humble person

As per Hirav Shah, a person who possesses humility is someone who has a modest and unpretentious view of their own abilities and importance. They do not feel the need to boast about their accomplishments and understand that they are not superior to others. Humble individuals are often described as approachable, down-to-earth, and respectful towards others. They are open to feedback and willing to learn from others, and they prioritize the needs and emotions of others over their own. Humility is widely considered a positive trait and is typically associated with personal growth, emotional intelligence, and effective leadership.

Final Thoughts

Be Humble, Stay Humble: The Key to Success and Happiness

Typically, being humble is associated with being too idle, accepting, submissive or insecure, but this couldn’t be any further from the truth.

Rather, humble people are diametrically the opposite—optimistic, self-assured and competent in themselves so much that, as a result, they seek to self-actualize by helping theirs.

Humble people let their actions speak for their ideals. take a pledge to stay humble no matter what…“- Concludes Hirav Shah, Renowned Business Enhancement Expert.