Being a good leader is not a cakewalk. There are all kinds of people and situations, and as a leader, you have to not only face them but win them.

Below are a few qualities of leaders, as shared by Hirav Shah, which lead them to success:

Qualities of leaders

1. Demonstration of Integrity

Integrity refers to being truthful, even if it is ugly. It means being credible, honest and owning up your mistakes instead of hiding them or blaming them on someone else. It is this quality which will make the followers believe in the power of the leader.

2. Ability To Inspire

Inspiration (not motivation) is the most important leadership trait, fuelled by passion and purpose. It is the ability to infuse passion, creativity, energy, and connection, in other people and organizations, and pushing them forward towards their goals even when morale is low.

3. Listening

They actually listen. True leaders don’t just express their thoughts and ideas. They actually believe and practice the ‘art of listening.’

They listen and encourage their follower’s ideas, give constructive feedback on those ideas and implement them. Good leaders tell their followers that their ideas matter!

4. Enthusiasm

They are enthusiastic. Good leaders do not mind getting their hands dirty. They actually care about the cause and the people. They show enthusiasm all day long, and work with passion and dedication and inspire others to do so too.

5. Inquisitiveness

Most leaders have an inquisitive attitude towards life. They are curious in nature and are always looking forward to learning and exploring new things, art, technology, etc. It is this quality that makes them face any problem with a positive outlook.

6. They Take Small Steps

Baby steps are everything. Each day, they work on something that is a stepping stone towards their final goal.

7. Discipline

They are very disciplined. Whether it is with their workouts, waking up early, or completing a task.

8. Meditation

They meditate and focus on what they want, regularly. A lot of them start their day with a 20 minute meditation session, and focus on what they want to attract during the day, and get exactly that.

9. Reading

They read a lot. They read books and articles on diverse topics such as world affairs, GK, politics, or even fashion. Furthermore, they like being well-informed, and aware.

10. Being In The Right Company

They practice Millionaire’s success habits and being in the right company is just that.

They avoid negativity. Furthermore, they avoid the things and the people that spew negativity. They don’t want to be with people that tell them that the glass is half empty. They would rather drink the water in that glass and go about with their day.

Likewise, they avoid battery drainers, rather they want to be with battery chargers.

They spend time in the company of the people who they love, and who inspire them. For some it could be their mentor, for some, their kids, for some their partners. They make it a point to spend time with these people as often as they can.

All this is what Hirav Shah, Legendary Business Transformation Expert and India’s Most Sought-After Brand Enhancement Expert has been echoing all the time and this, also, is Hirav Shah’s 2022 philosophy.

Final Thoughts

As a leader, it is important you have all these qualities. But, if you don’t have some of these, do not worry-you can always build them.

The path to building them won’t be easy- it requires self-awareness and humility, but it is not impossible -Concludes Hirav Shah, Prolific Business Advisor and Business Transformation Expert.