This might be the ninth time Business Transformation Expert, Hirav Shah is telling us about the significance of sleep, and Hirav Shah will go on talking about it, because sleep is medicine, and most folks aren’t really getting enough of it.


Sleep is medicine. A very powerful medicine. It’s available free of cost. It’s inexpensive…

When you sleep, there are multiple things happening in your body like hormonal balance, production of growth hormones that help you to repair, to grow, to rejuvenate…The detoxification process happens in your body while you sleep. Your brain detoxifies only while you sleep. Your energy gets renewed.

Things like chronic fatigue start to get better. Your body uses sleep as a way to reset itself. On the outside you may be feeding yourself organic food, you may be working out, you may be meditating and all of that stuff…for all of that to work, the body does it while you sleep.

Sleep is a powerful medicine, indeed. While you sleep, your immune system trains. Your immune system gets smarter. Your immune system gets better-Opines Hirav Shah, Business Enhancement Leader.

Tips To Fix Sleep Deprivation

1. Reset Your Sleep Rhythm

Rhythms in sleep that are broken due to jet lag or night shifts or whatever, should be repaired. You just got to have the “want” to repair it, the “belief” to do it and “do what it takes.” The best thing is to “fix a wakeup time”. Yes, fix the time and wake up, no matter what at that particular time, no matter what.

2. Keep Your Room Dark

Keep your room as dark as possible. No LED lights beside your bed please. No device light beside your bed please. Create your own darkness. You may put a towel on top of your eyes, gently or do whatever it takes.

3. Switch Off Gadgets

Switch off gadgets at least one hour before bedtime. The more blue light you expose yourself to, the more you suppress your melatonin, the sleep hormone.

Final Thoughts:

Sleep is vital for hormonal balance, rejuvenation, detoxification of your brain and body, energy renewal, to recovery, stabilizing blood sugar, blood pressure and the list is endless.

It doesn’t matter if you are taking goji berries or pumpkin seeds, if you aren’t sleeping well, you aren’t giving your body its most basic requirement. In a world of extremes and complications, Hirav Shah has shared some simple and inexpensive ways to build deep sleep if you struggle with it.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1.Can loads of coffee be taken to reduce sleep?

First of all, reduce your sleep quota. It is a strict “No, No” please. And do not use coffee as a means to cut down on your sleep. Why don’t you use anything?

2.What is the importance of deep sleep ?

Sleep is the charge that the human body needs, sleep is the charge that the human brain needs and sleep is the charge that trillions of cells need, to sustain life, to survive and to thrive…

3. Are sleep medications good for you ?

Sleep medications may be taken during emergency cases, however it’s recommended to sleep naturally without any medications.

Left nostril breathing before sleep is a wonderful way for a good night’s sleep.

4. Is melatonin a sleeping pill ?

As a sleep aid, Melatonin supplements are frequently used. They aid in falling asleep, improving sleep quality and increasing sleep duration.