Handling rejection can be a difficult process, but with the right mindset and strategies, you can navigate through it in a healthy and constructive way. Here are some steps to help you handle rejection.

Experiencing rejection can be a challenging and disheartening experience. However, it’s important to remember that rejection is a normal part of life and can provide opportunities for growth and self-improvement. Here are five ways to bounce back stronger from rejection

All of us go through rejection at some point in our lives. Maybe you got rejected in a relationship, maybe you liked someone and got rejected. Possibly there was a job that you wanted, but you got rejected. At every point in life, we will go through rejection.

Why ???

That’s how life is. We are not entitled to have everything we want, the way we wanted. We are not entitled to everyone loving us. Everyone appreciates us.

But, but…rejection can lead to depression. Rejection can lead to you losing your self worth.

On that note, India’s Most Recognised Business Enhancement Leader Hirav Shah outlines below as to how to deal with rejection.

How To Deal

You have to handle rejection the right way since rejection comes with a lot of negative emotions: bitterness, guilt, humiliation, a sense of defeat, a sense of failure etc…

And then when you nurture these emotions, it becomes anger. It becomes manipulative. It becomes envy. It can become deceptive.

You got to handle it properly. You have to deal with it properly. Yes…

You can never be good enough for some people, and it hurts so much-No matter what you do. No matter…

We know it’s not easy from the word go, but try shifting your locus of satisfaction from external to internal. Don’t give as much importance to what others feel about your work, then how much what you have done yourself, satisfies you.

The best thing is that the only control you have is on you. So enhance your conviction in what you are doing and in yourself. This can be achieved by constantly bettering and improving yourself in your work or wherever, irrespective of any external influence, negative or positive.

Then you can be satisfied with yourself. You can keep your self-esteem intact. You will also be less influenced by what others do or say.

Then, rejections will either make you understand, if the other person is rejecting you for the sake of it (in which case you needn’t care, with a good and new self-confidence to back you) , or he/she is actually pointing out something genuine (in which case you would have made your habit, to focus on how to improve yourself, rather than feeling dejected because of rejection and so will be happy either way).

  1. Allow yourself to feel and process your emotions: Rejection often triggers a range of emotions such as disappointment, sadness, or anger. It’s important to acknowledge and accept these feelings rather than suppressing them. Give yourself permission to experience the emotions associated with rejection, as it is a natural response.
  2. Avoid taking it personally: It’s crucial to understand that rejection is not a reflection of your entire worth or identity as a person. Remind yourself that rejection is often subjective and can result from a variety of factors, including circumstances, preferences, or compatibility. Separate your self-worth from the specific outcome of the rejection.
  3. Gain perspective and reframe the situation: Look at the bigger picture and try to gain a broader perspective on the rejection. Consider the circumstances, timing, or other external factors that may have influenced the outcome. Reframe the situation as an opportunity for growth and learning rather than a personal failure. Recognize that rejection can lead to redirection towards something better suited for you.
  4. Seek support from others: Reach out to supportive friends, family members, or mentors who can provide you with encouragement and perspective. Sharing your feelings and experiences with trusted individuals can help alleviate the emotional burden of rejection. They may also offer insights or advice that can assist you in handling the situation.
  5. Learn from the experience: Rejection can be a valuable teacher if you approach it with a growth mindset. Take the opportunity to reflect on the experience and identify any lessons or insights you can gain from it. Ask yourself what you can learn and how you can use this knowledge to improve yourself, your approach, or your future endeavors.
  6. Focus on self-care activities : Engage in activities that promote self-care and well-being, just love yourself. Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional health by practicing self-care activities such as exercise, mindfulness, meditation, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy. Taking care of yourself will help you maintain resilience and bounce back stronger.
  7. Keep pursuing your goals: Don’t let rejection deter you from pursuing your goals and aspirations. Maintain your determination and perseverance. Reframe rejection as a temporary setback rather than a permanent roadblock. Use the experience as motivation to improve and continue striving towards your objectives.


The bottomline is that you need to change the way you perceive.

You need to start perceiving rejection as protection and guidance. It all comes with trusting that when something or someone doesn’t work out the way it was planned for you, it’s because there is something or someone far better and greater in store for you.

You got rejected from that job, maybe there is a better job lying for you… You got rejected from your partner, possibly there is someone better waiting for you.

Remember you are always being looked after by a higher power. Start to see rejection in a positive light. Rejection doesn’t mean you aren’t good enough. Just that the other person failed to notice what you have to offer“-Concludes Hirav Shah, Renowned Business Transformation Expert.