Career progression can often be hindered by holding on to old habits, beliefs, or situations that no longer serve us. Letting go of these things can be a powerful tool for advancing in our careers. Here are some tips to help you harness the power of letting go and propel your career forward.

Most of us resist giving things up as we’ve always had them, or we might use them again, maybe one day. Incredible it is…how much stuff you can accumulate, especially when you haven’t taken the time to assess if you still use or require it.

Are you feeling weighed down by past experiences or holding onto things that no longer serve you? Learning the art of letting go can bring you freedom and clarity, allowing you to embrace a more fulfilling life. Discover the steps you can take to release what is holding you back and create space for new opportunities and growth.


The same perspective could be applied to your business world or career. Consider the baggage we hold on to. Yes, we do, from our past professional lives and former jobs and careers. Much like outdated suits that are no longer worn or necessary. Isn’t it ! These are dragging you down and preventing you from making room for what’s now relevant in your career.

Business Enhancement Expert of International Repute Hirav Shah strongly recommends letting go of these, to progress in your career:

1. Folks & Stuff, That Support Your History, Not Your Destiny

Your atmosphere, which includes your pals, colleagues, location, habits, and lifestyle, impacts you far far more—for better or for worse—than you imagine; it always stands as the winner. You’ve likely evolved and grown, and what once worked for you has changed, probably. You can’t make an important, lasting change without altering some elements of your atmosphere.

Always remember to be mindful of the company you keep. And the activities that you engage in, and ask yourself if they are supporting what you want to do, not just what you’ve done. Genuine and real growth happens when we understand whom and what best supports our objectives, and then align ourselves with those natives and things that do.

2. Outdated assumptions

Are you still sticking to plans you made for yourself 10 years ago? Or maybe you feel locked into the expectation somebody else—a parent, a teacher, or an old boss—placed on you?

Reassess. Gain clarity on what you want, drop any outdated expectations, and then forge your own way, your own path…

3. Immaterial experience

You’re absolutely not doing yourself any favors by hoarding past professional experiences that have nothing to do with how you want others to perceive you. If somebody sees your LinkedIn profile or CV but is bewildered by how you position yourself, you’re shooting yourself in the foot.

When you’re telling your professional story, ruthlessly pare down your info, deleting the experience that seldom aligns with your goals.

4. Negative self talk

The stories you tell yourselves are the most important words you speak, as those are the ones that you play on repeat in your minds. When you fill your mind with negative self-talk, you prevent yourself from learning, growing, and stretching your wings.

Instead, use a little compassion. Yes, and treat yourself the way you would to a companion. Words are powerful, especially the ones you say—or don’t say—to yourself. Replace self-sabotaging talk with self-affirming talk. You’ll abandon limiting beliefs and adopt a growth-focused mindset.
Read daily prayer with devotional mind every day. Pray to god, Practice The Power Of Prayer-How To Pray And What God Will Do In Return you can not even imagine.

Final Thoughts

Do you know what is the number one barrier to success? It’s fear.

Fear is a powerful emotion, and the real damage comes from the inaction that fear enables.

Until you take responsibility for your growth journey, everything will remain static. To progress, you need to muster the courage to acknowledge. And more importantly, let go of your fears. By doing this, you’ll get out of your own way and gain traction in your professional life or business-Concludes Hirav Shah, India’s Premier Business Transformation Leader.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is 40 too late to start a career ?

Actually, it’s never too late. But you got to prepare well and have a super positive mindset.

Is hard work and focus all you need to perform well in your career ?

Actually, 80 percent of your performance always depends on your mindset, strategy, and execution. Only the remaining 20 percent depends on your luck”

What is the best career nowadays in India ?

  • Medical Professionals (Doctors & Surgeons)
  • Data Scientist
  • Machine Learning Experts.
  • Blockchain Developer.
  • Full Stack Software Developer.
  • Product Management