Luck is often seen as a combination of hard work and positive energy, according to business astrologer Hirav Shah. However, some people may feel that they have bad luck due to negative experiences, lack of confidence, limited perspectives, missed opportunities, or external factors. While luck may not always be within our control, we can take steps to improve our chances of success. This includes focusing on the positive, building confidence, taking action towards goals, and keeping an open mind to new opportunities. By doing so, we can increase our chances of experiencing good luck in our lives.

Why my luck is so bad

Hirav Shah is often approached by people who are curious about why they seem to have bad luck. They seek his advice and guidance on how to improve their fortunes and attract more positive energy into their lives.

why my luck is so bad

  1. Focusing on the negative: If you focus only on the negative things that happen in your life, you may start to believe that you are unlucky.
  2. Lack of confidence: Lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities can make you feel unlucky. If you don’t believe that you can succeed, you may miss out on opportunities that could lead to success.
  3. Limited perspective: Sometimes, people have a limited perspective on what success or good luck means. It is possible that you may be missing out on opportunities that you don’t recognize as being lucky.
  4. Not taking action: Good luck often comes to those who take action. If you are not taking action towards your goals, you may miss out on opportunities that could lead to success.
  5. External factors: There may be external factors that are affecting your luck, such as economic downturns, personal setbacks, or other unforeseeable events.

According to astrologer Hirav Shah, luck is a combination of both destiny and hard work. While some signs may be considered lucky, it’s important to remember that luck is not always within our control. However, there are steps we can take to improve our chances of success. By maintaining a positive attitude, building self-confidence, taking action towards our goals, and remaining open to new opportunities, we can increase our chances of experiencing good fortune.

10 Luck Signs That Could Change Your Life

  1. Meeting someone who inspires you: Sometimes meeting someone who inspires you can change the course of your life. They may offer advice or guidance that leads you to new opportunities or help you see things in a different way.
  2. Unexpected opportunities: Sometimes unexpected opportunities can present themselves, seemingly out of nowhere. Be open to these opportunities and be willing to take a chance on something new.
  3. Finding money: Finding unexpected money can be a sign of good luck. It could be a bonus at work, a gift from a friend, or even winning a small amount in a lottery or contest.
  4. Serendipitous events: Serendipitous events can be a sign of good luck. These are chance encounters or occurrences that seem to happen just when you need them most.
  5. Receiving unexpected help: When you are struggling, receiving unexpected help from others can be a sign of good luck. This could be in the form of emotional support, financial help, or even just a kind word.
  6. A string of positive events: Sometimes good luck seems to come in waves. If you experience a string of positive events, this could be a sign that good luck is on your side.
  7. Overcoming a challenge: Overcoming a challenge can be a sign of good luck. It shows that you have the strength and resilience to persevere, even in difficult times.
  8. Feeling a sense of flow: When things seem to be going smoothly and effortlessly, this can be a sign of good luck. It may feel like the universe is conspiring in your favor.
  9. Feeling a sense of gratitude: Feeling grateful for what you have can attract more good luck into your life. When you focus on the positive, you are more likely to notice and appreciate the good things that come your way.
  10. A feeling of synchronicity: Sometimes events seem to happen in a way that is too coincidental to ignore. This feeling of synchronicity can be a sign of good luck, and may indicate that you are on the right path in life.

Signs that indicate good luck and prosperity for your business

Hirav Shah, a business consultant, believes that certain signs and omens can indicate good luck and prosperity for your business. These signs include seeing a shooting star, finding a four-leaf clover, seeing a rainbow, hearing a bird singing, finding a lucky penny, seeing a butterfly, spotting a ladybug, smelling a sweet fragrance, seeing a full moon, and feeling a sense of peace. Each of these signs is believed to represent positive energy and growth for your business, so it’s important to trust your instincts and believe in your business’s potential for success.

1. Seeing a shooting star

If you happen to catch a glimpse of a shooting star, it is believed to be a sign of good luck and a positive omen for your business. Make a wish and believe that your business will prosper.

2. Finding a four-leaf clover

Finding a four-leaf clover is a rare occurrence, but if you do come across one, it is considered a sign of good luck. Keep it with you or display it in your office to attract positive energy.

3. Seeing a rainbow

Rainbows are a symbol of hope and promise. If you see a rainbow, it is believed to be a sign that good things are on the horizon for your business.

4. Hearing a bird singing

Birds are often associated with good luck and prosperity. If you hear a bird singing, it is believed to be a sign that your business is on the right track and success is within reach.

5. Finding a lucky penny

Finding a penny on the ground is considered a sign of good luck. Keep it in your pocket or display it in your office to attract positive energy and prosperity.

6. Seeing a butterfly

Butterflies are a symbol of transformation and growth. If you see a butterfly, it is believed to be a sign that your business is evolving and growing in a positive direction.

7. Spotting a ladybug

Ladybugs are often associated with good luck and prosperity. If you spot a ladybug, it is believed to be a sign that your business is on the right track and success is within reach.

8. Smelling a sweet fragrance

Sweet fragrances are often associated with positive energy and good luck. If you smell a sweet fragrance, it is believed to be a sign that your business is attracting positive energy and prosperity.

9. Seeing a full moon

The full moon is often associated with abundance and prosperity. If you see a full moon, it is believed to be a sign that your business is attracting positive energy and success is within reach.

10. Feeling a sense of peace

If you feel a sense of peace and calmness, it is believed to be a sign that your business is on the right track and success is within reach. Trust your instincts and believe in your business.

Transform Your Luck and Live Your Best Life

Hirav Shah is an Astro Strategist who can help you take your business to the next level. Whether you’re looking to maximize your profits or need guidance on a new project, Hirav Shah offers 30 minutes of free consultancy to answer any questions you may have. Click here to schedule your introductory session and start building your brand today!