Hirav Shah, a renowned astro-strategist and political astrologer, is well-versed in the role of houses in astrology and how they can indicate a person’s potential success in politics. With a proven track record of helping politicians achieve fame and recognition, Hirav Shah is the go-to expert for those seeking guidance on how to succeed in the dynamic field of politics. While astrology has played a role in politics throughout history in various cultures, its influence has primarily been limited to individuals rather than the political system as a whole. Here are some examples of how astrology has been used in politics:

Astrology has been used for centuries to predict everything from personal relationships to financial success. Now, some people are turning to politics astrologers to gain insight into the political landscape. These astrologers use the positions of the stars and planets to make predictions about political outcomes and even influence decision-making. Learn more about this growing trend and how it’s impacting the world of politics.

What is a politics astrologer?

A politics astrologer is a person who uses astrology to make predictions about political events and outcomes. They analyze the positions of the stars and planets to gain insight into the political landscape and make predictions about future events. Some politics astrologers also use their knowledge to influence decision-making, advising politicians and other leaders on the best course of action based on astrological predictions. While some people may be skeptical of this practice, it is becoming increasingly popular in today’s world.

How do politics astrologers use astrology to predict political outcomes?

Politics astrologers use a variety of astrological techniques to make predictions about political events and outcomes. One common method is to analyze the positions of the planets and stars at the time of a particular event, such as an election or the signing of a treaty. They may also look at the astrological charts of individual politicians or leaders to gain insight into their personalities and motivations. Some politics astrologers also use techniques such as tarot readings or numerology to supplement their astrological predictions. While the accuracy of these predictions is often debated, many people believe that astrology can provide valuable insights into the political landscape.

What role do politics astrologers play in decision-making?

The role of politics astrologers in decision-making is a controversial topic. While some people believe that their predictions and insights can be valuable tools for politicians and leaders, others argue that decisions should be based on more concrete evidence and data. However, it is clear that politics astrologers are becoming increasingly popular and influential in today’s world, with many people seeking their guidance and advice. Ultimately, the role of politics astrologers in decision-making will continue to be debated and discussed as the field of astrology evolves and grows.

What are some examples of successful predictions made by politics astrologers?

There have been several instances where politics astrologers have made successful predictions about political outcomes. For example, in the 2016 US Presidential election, many astrologers predicted that Donald Trump would win, despite polls and mainstream media predicting otherwise. Similarly, in the 2019 Indian general elections, some astrologers accurately predicted the landslide victory of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s party. These successful predictions have helped to increase the credibility and popularity of politics astrologers in today’s world.

What criticisms do politics astrologers face and how do they respond to them?

Politics astrologers face several criticisms, including the lack of scientific evidence to support their predictions and the potential for their predictions to influence decision-making in a negative way. Some critics argue that politics astrologers are simply taking advantage of people’s desire for certainty in an uncertain world. In response, politics astrologers often point to their successful predictions as evidence of their credibility and argue that astrology is a valid tool for understanding human behavior and predicting outcomes. They also emphasize the importance of using astrology as just one tool among many in the decision-making process.


How to Predict Your Chances of Success in Politics

There are some houses having significant role in deciding whether a person can get success in politics or not such as first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh , ninth and  tenth.

1st house

Personality of a person is represented by this house and this is the reason why it serves to be the major house for deciding success in political career as per astro-strategist and political astrologer Shri Hirav Shah.

2nd house

The vani or speech is represented by this house. It is fact that for success, a politician needs to have tone that is pleasantly impressive and speech clarity and this is the reason why role of this planet is important.

3rd house

The ability of decision making or thinking capability of a person is known to be connected with this house. At the time of decision making, the leader’s talent in taking daring steps is denoted by this house’s strength since it is the courage house.

4th house

The people residing in this world are represented by this house. This is the reason why for any politician, there is high importance of the relation with this house since for becoming politician, votes given by people are important.

5th house

This is the house that is known to represent comforts, kingship, wisdom and luxury.

6th house

For getting success in the field of politics, some important factors are litigation, service, completion and enemy and all these are represented by 6th house. This is the reason why there is great importance of this house as well. A person is like to get fame in the public when he/she does not have any type of self-interest while helping others.  

9th house

This is the house that represents fortune and is therefore important for success in political career.

10th house

In the horoscope of every person, this is the house of profession and career i.e. karma. The person can get easily connected to politics or governance if 10th house planet is high or its lord is exalted.  The factors such as ruler ship, fame in public and power are also represented by this house and this is the reason why for all those who wants to attain political success, this house has significant role.

Astrology and Politics: A Brief History

Hirav Shah, a renowned astro-strategist and political astrologer, is known for his expertise in analyzing the role of houses in astrology and how they can indicate a person’s potential success in politics. With a track record of helping numerous politicians achieve fame and recognition, Hirav Shah is a trusted advisor for those seeking guidance on how to navigate the complex world of politics. While astrology has played a role in politics throughout history in various cultures, its influence has primarily been on individuals rather than the political system as a whole. Here are some examples of how astrology has been used in politics.

Astrology has had a role in politics throughout history in various cultures, but its influence has largely been limited to individuals and not the political system as a whole. Here are some ways astrology has been used in politics:

  1. Personal astrological consultations: Some political leaders, advisors, and strategists have sought the advice of astrologers for personal guidance and insight into their own lives and decision-making processes. For example, former U.S. President Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy were known to consult with an astrologer in the 1980s.
  2. Election predictions: Some astrologers have attempted to predict the outcome of elections or political events based on astrological charts and transits. However, these predictions are often met with skepticism and criticism, as they lack empirical evidence and scientific validity.
  3. Astrological symbolism: Some political leaders and movements have used astrological symbolism to represent their ideas and goals. For example, the flag of Brazil features a star pattern based on the astrological constellation of the Southern Cross.
  4. Cultural significance: In some cultures, astrology has been intertwined with political and religious beliefs, such as in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, where rulers were often seen as divine or celestial beings.

Overall, the role of astrology in politics has been largely limited to individual beliefs and practices, rather than a systematic influence on the political system. While some people may find value in astrology as a tool for personal guidance and insight, it is not considered a valid or reliable source of information for making important political decisions.